Alliance between Samsung and Betterfly to boost technology and benefit

January 9, 2021

Bus companies are renovating salutary buildings. Samsung Electronics, Chile, is an alianza consultant for the technology of the seguros Betterfly, the goal of the master of the person, the compensation of the high balances and the transformation of the social and financial protection. Both companies have integrated their technologies, which is why the platform has appeared in Samsung’s mobile devices and wearables.

Alliance between Samsung and Betterfly to boost technology and benefit

The initiative to promote the application of all Samsung users, too, is formulated with strategic fines for final users and in Betterfly for different types of companies.

A strategic alliance that stimulates the general well-being

The proposal has as objective burn resources to combat the factors that influence physical and mental health, such as stress and seniority. At the global level, it is estimated that more than 264 million people are estranged, depressed and depressed. Although specialists have acknowledged that stress is a key factor in overcoming short-term, long-term disease, its impact on the body can be devastating if it is not treated adequately.

The estrée affects the form in which it absorbs the nutrients in the intestine, for example. A specific case is the presence of magnesium, a mineral that acts on the osteomuscular, cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. Our reality shows that up to 80% of the western population has a magnesium deficiency due to stressful conditions. This nutritional deficiency can impair the homeostasis of vitamin D and calcium in the body.

In this context, the platform has provided solutions that are 100% virtual, brief and portable. Collaborators of all types of companies and organizations can access the security of life without difficulties and, in addition, put into practice these benefits in the formality of home office, or also known as teletrabajo.

The services that promote the best benefit of all users included: free live security, 24/7 telemedicine, nutritional and psychological assessment with Teledoc, Instafit fitness application (with over 700 classes and personalized routines) with apps and offerings awareness Pura Mente, personal finance on the Digital Focus platform, among others.

In addition, donate money to organizations that luchan against the nutrition in Haiti, Venezuela or Chile, foundations that work in the reforestation of natural plants (plant plants) and the proportion of water drinkable.

Della Maggiora, CEO and founder of Betterfly, said during the menstruation that the company “was inspired by the butterfly effect (mariposa effect), and that a small amount of movement could generate a great transformation, because we were creating technology to transform the life of the people .Desarrollamos the first platform that allows people, without importing at the socio-economic level, builds a life insurance that creates with the good habits, with every step of a minute of meditation, they give a person the security of life without cost to the user and company ”.

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