All about $ 3,600 per aid each minor approved in the estimate plan

Through the approval of the 1.9 trillion dollar aid package, the most costly and ambitious in the history of the country, millions of families, includes first of all undocumented immigrants with nine students, will offer an opportunity to increase poverty thanks to the expansion of fiscal credit for nine months less, according to the support of democrats and experts.

The fathers or guardians receive direct payments of 3,600 dollars a year ($ 300 per month) for every minor age of 6 years and $ 3,000 annually ($ 250 per month) for every minor from 6 to 17 years.

The history of tax credit amplification that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS, by its English seal) provides for it, will read the President’s Secretariat, Joe Biden, for its ratification of the latter.

[Le explicamos si usted califica y cuánto dinero recibirá el cheque de $1,400]

The aid could be extended to read as soon as July, while the IRS adjusts to the new conditions.

It is calculated that the help with money effectively has the potential to reduce infant poverty by 50%, according to estimates by the Center for Poverty and Public Policy at Columbia University.

“This media is the most significant”, said in Spanish to Telemundo News the representative Chuy García, a Democrat from Illinois. “Sacrifice millions of families, especially those who have less age of poverty.”

“Todavía nee my lo creo”, said Telemundo News Heidi Gonzáles, an undocumented immigrant who is the mother of four children with city citizenship. ‘I did not work, I had to sell the money to pay the rent ”, agregó la mujer, visibly conmovida por eluncio de la ayuda que recibira par primer vez en uno de los aãs más stiflices que dice haber tenido.

In the project of law, it is established that the benefits for these families will last another year, while the Democrats who are impulsive will hope that they will receive a recurring aid, although it will tend to be discussed and approved by the Congress before the decay.

The criteria of eligibility its the same as the direct mail of checks of 1,400 dollars per person. Es decir, watellos padres que 75,000 dollars less al año y las parejas que ganen menos de 150,000 dólares. These amounts are less than what they used to be.

If there is a tax credit for each minor age, currently it is only 2,000 dollars per year for children between 6 and 17 years old. Now, the amount will go down to $ 3,000 for this category and $ 3,600 for less than 6 years old.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, spoke about the administration’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic at the White House in Washington, United States.REUTERS

Additionally, families now have the option to opt out of receiving the monthly payment in a different manner during months or quarters, following the availability of the IRS, which will distribute the resources. It is the mayor who gives flexibility to the families of our resources who frequently need the money in short supply.

Another important change is who is eligible to receive the help.

Currently, families who do not have a sufficient salary or no debt in the ISR, can obtain the total amount of the tax credit. In lieu of the 2,000 dollars, received as much as 1,400 dollars.

[Muchos estadounidenses agotan sus ahorros durante la pandemia, según sondeo]

This is the change with the expansion package for the pandemic. The most powerful families can get the 3,000 to 3,600 dollars for each integrated way.

It is calculated that the most beneficiaries will be the families of 27 million of the poorest nines in the country, the city of its blacks and Latinos. In this way, 10 million children will be offered poverty while the program lasts.

Republicans, who voted unanimously against the media in the Senate, announced the plan will raise the deuda del pais more, which tends to be paid for by future generations.

“If you want to dine at your diner and you will have to wait to pay, it’s a piñata”, dijo a Noticias Telemundo the representative of Florida María Elvira Salazar, mientras agitaba a piñata de burrito en su mano izquierda.

[El Senado reduce a 300 dólares semanales la ayuda por desempleo del nuevo paquete de estímulo]

Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, spoke a different approximation to finance the fiscal credit, which includes reports on other social assistance programs for the poorest and the elimination of state and local tax exemptions for the richest.

“In a year when the debate program will be renovated, it will be really important that it has some type of Republican Plan B or a support base for permanent and, therefore, important, a strategy for pay”, says the portal The 19th Samuel Hammond, Director of Poverty and Social Policy at the Niskanen Center, an organization involved in previous legislation that addresses the problem of infant poverty.

With information from The 19th News.
