Alicia Machado trusts a teenage problem like como madre de una adoelscente

Alicia Machado God has known that he did not have a good time, but then maternity leave he was complicated, debated that his mayor had entered adolescence.

Agreed with the actress, the young lady Dinora had rebelled, the latter had seized various chokes between them. The Venezuelan dijo who breathes has to suffer with his possessions problems.

Ahorita estoy como madre occupid en mis propios problemas que tengo o no problema, es una situacin, est adolescent, Estados Unidos est muy aggressive, en Estados Unidos las cosas son muy diferentes las cosas que ac los los pasins. explicitly.

La exreina de belleza agreg que el apoyo de sus seres queridos has help to sort out this situation, so that you can hope of which things are solucionarn.

Alicia I have confessed these problems in the program “Ventaneando“, en el cual dio a conocer que si hij luchaba contra la depresin desde haca varios aos, situacin que agrav la pandemic,

Not only due to the pandemic, there is a phenomenon in the youth of the United States, as all adolescents between 12 and 14 years old, have a deep depression between the nine that are willing to relocate in these months and the nine have been muy violence, depression, sadness ya mi hija le toc ese grupo de nios, cont en esa ocasin.

