Alianza Lima Pablo Bengoechea Salomón Lerner white team habla coach uruguayo abandonment team League 1 League 2

When the 2020 season begins, the allies of Alianza Lima are illusory about the plant that stands. Pablo Bengoechea was the coach of the water team and held the trust of the dogs to log the targets. With the passing of the parties, the issues in the salary as planned, bad results and undisciplined problems are part of the problem.

After disputing the classic Peruvian football classic (2-0 draw), Pablo Bengoechea decided to leave the bench Lima Alliance. At the press conference, the Uruguayan strategist signaled that his message would not go to the players and the best would be a step towards cost.

Salomón Lerner, member of the Blancquiazul Foundation, indicates that Pablo Bengoechea solicited the contract of the players, but decided to abandon the team.

“We indemnify ourselves that we tried to make it better for the Alliance, but we did not get the correct form. The deportation manager (Marulanda) who suffered the result, the same way he sued Bengoechea or the players who surrendered. first months, without embarrassment, he pissed all over the plant. If he works with Mario Salas, who is a technician in South America, if he has all the facilities, if he pays the best fees in national football and we get the poor results in lo deportivo “, signaled by Salomón Lerner to Exitosa.

“We assume all responsibility, we are right. The Blank Fund is an inversionist, the ones who make the decisions are the managers, the people who are within the Fund who form a board. All are responsible,” said the White Fund member. .

Alianza Lima vra ‘n la FPF annular el descenso

Salomón Lerner, member of the Blanquiazul Foundation, signaled to the RPP that Alianza Lima and Atlético Grau had joined the FPF to cancel the descent, but the football entry did not respond to the request.

“There is a demand for various clubs, especially Atlético Grau and Alianza Lima, in order to cancel the waiver for various reasons that we have. We do not have a FPF award for respect”, assured the member of the Blanquiazul Foundation.
