Alianza Lima: Francisco Pizarro about the moment of the institution: “The Blank Foundation has secured the club” | nczd | FOOTBALL-PERUANO

Miguel Pons, candidate of the Blanquiazul Foundation, elected this March as the new administrator of Alianza Lima over the death of Kattia Bohorquez. This decision generates molestation between the club’s henchmen, between them, Francisco Pizarro, who is also a working creditor and who creates the new directives the quitan “identity” to the institution.

In conversation with “About the World” de Depor, the exporter identified with the blanquiazul team, will show his molestation by the administrative moment that the cara team lives in 2021, in which he disputes the League 2.

Nosotros as labor accreditors pretend to approve the time of restructuring of the deuda in order to see the possible antiquities and that Alianza vuelva to the societies, because nosotros cremos that the administrations generate that the clubs pierdan identity. Alianza perdió identified a partir del manejo. Lamentably no creo that is from”, Explained ‘Pancho’.

Pons logró won the elections while obtaining 53.99% of the votes. On the contrary Marco La Jara, proposed by the laboratory approvers.

The club needs to turn to the societies, to the hinchas. The moment that Alliance does not pass is easy. Tal vez los del Fondo Blanquiazul creen que tenemos algo en ellos ellos y lo que sucede es que nos damos cuent as stann haciendo las cosas mal. The diner who passed away last year in contracts that did not result, paid commissions to representatives, even though no one was there, compared to Jair Concha. Geen entendemos cuál es su pensamiento nie”, Agregó Pizarro.

Pizarro también criticized duramente las distintas decidissings que tomó Kattia Bohorquez as Administrator of Alliance. Including signal that contracted to Alejandro Rázuri, presunto hincha de University of Sports.

We have no agreement as to Labor Labor’s contract with José Bellina as deportation agent and we are in Kattia, but we have no one to tell him what we are. He contracted Alejandro Rázuri and he was an active barrister of the ‘U’ and lied to him. I do not have any identification type with the club, I do not know if it is the other. It appears that the club has been sidelined and the decisions that are still being made by the perpetrator of all of Peru”, Dijo Francisco.

Yo culpo a Kattia porque ella es la que firma. Alianza has not been contacted by Kattia Bohorquez at the company. Hasta dono yo tengo entendido, the competition process prohíbe a los acreedores ser par de la tom de decisione”.

The exporter signals that the accreditors are encounters “doldos and molestos”, debating that the club is losing its identity. “We are a family,” he said.
