Alianza Lima: Erick Delgado about the rumors of his marriage to Alianza Lima: “Yo no me regalo a nadie” | nczd | FOOTBALL-PERUANO

Alianza Lima is looking for a mix of youth and experience in the plant to ascend to League 1 this time 2021. For this line, enter the list of possible sheets the number of Erick Delgado, actual goalkeeper of Cantolao; without embarrassment, he finds himself unpacking his name on the intimate set.

I only say that I’re not a bad retardant ‘pero nee hy hablado con nadie de Alianza Lima. It’s something that salió in a periodic pero yo no se nada más. It’s totally fake, yo no me regalo a nadie”, Dijo a ‘Las Voces del Fútbol’.

The people say they are irresponsible, since they always have good reason to respect Alianza Lima. Series incapable of getting rid of them, my family is away from the club and can not escape”, Agregó.

Assimilation, the assurance that at the moment there will be an action by Alianza Lima will be announced. ‘If you are interested in joining Alianza Lima, please feel free to reply or contact me. The reto is not bad, its descent is something difficult to create but there in more than one saber they convince”, Dijo.

Asimismo, the door slammed on his current campus. ‘You are not so important, but you must also be very important. I’m physically better. When it comes to 2002, it has been around for a long time. It is very easy to read about the problem and maintain it. Debut and never finished”, Dijo.

So much so, on his return he insures that “No one wants to leave a window forever but has to play until he is 40 and has no connections. At the moment it is said that there is no such thing as a couple of more years. A debt should be deducted if a step is taken at cost ”.

Hasta el momento, son quatro los arqueros con los que cuenta Alianza Lima: Steven Rivadeneyra y los jeugdiges Franco Saravia, Massimo Sandi y Ángel de la Cruz.
