“Algo tiene que hacer el Gobierno de México”: Guatemala dijo a familes de calcinados en Tamaulipas

Los cuerpos fueron hallados el fin de semana en Tamaulipas (Foto: Twitter / @ FuriaNegra7)
Los cuerpos fueron hallados el fin de semana en Tamaulipas (Foto: Twitter / @ FuriaNegra7)

The four days of hallazgo de 19 cuerpos calcinados in vans in Camargo, el Guatemala’s Exterior Ministry will host the DNA samples of 15 people who may be relatives of the victims, señaló el vocero de Seguridad de Tamaulipas, Luis Alberto Rodríguez.

The official signaled in an interview for Millennium Television, which follows the expectation of the results of the DNA tests that help identify the people who were assigned.

Record that moment has been able to determine that 16 eran hombres, una mujer y hay dos que aún no se ha podido institlecer su sexo.

“The identity must be passed on to a DNA test in order to know if the person is living in a social network in Guatemala. This is a coat in which the genetic profile of relatives is known to say that its relatives. The Foreign Ministry of Guatemala says that it has 15 people who can be relatives (of the victims) “, he said.

Photographs of this moon that showcased one of the vehicles in which 19 people were killed while traveling on a camaraderie in the north of Tamaulipas (Photo: EFE / STR / SOLO USO EDITORIAL)
Photographs of this moon that showcased one of the vehicles in which 19 people were killed while traveling on a Camargo city in the northern part of Tamaulipas (Photo: EFE / STR / SOLO USO EDITORIAL)

The official said that the pesquisis provided in the house of the hechos he was allowed to establish that people not assigned to the zone, since there were no rattlesnakes to hide from the victims, the victims were taken aback, in addition to the pick-up truck that had a side view in New Leon crossing the north.

“If there is an investigation line that there is to see that the site where the hechos (the person being cared for) is located, there is another area where vans will be found,” he said.

Refirió que has not been dealt with by those responsible, no matter how much information is required, the legal process will not be violated. At the moment descartó that one of the lines of investigation sea the crime organized, although “can be taken into consideration”.

Cabe points out that the spokesman for the Secretariat of Public Security, Luis Alberto Rodríguez, said the 26th step that an important point of the investigation clarifies the lie and motive of the crime.

Authorities described the relationship with criminal groups (Photo: Twitter / @ FuriaNegra7)
Authorities described the relationship with criminal groups (Photo: Twitter / @ FuriaNegra7)

Luto in Guatemala

For its part, some residents of the municipality of Comitancillo jw.org af San Marcos, Guatemala, aseguran que entre los calcinados se encuentran sus familiares.

Agreed with Diario del Sur, a family that insures that among the victims is Marvin “N” of 22 years.

Her husband Élida “N”, signaled in the middle to hear the coronation of Marvin “N”, because he has no evidence that he was killed, no matter what happens to other people in the same region .

‘Nosotros we are hoping for the so-called lame dude, pero ya no supimos nada, solo a sign that Mexico’s lame people are aware of the tragedy and that my brother died in an accident”, Dijo la mujer.

Guatemalan residents report that their families are being cared for (Photo: Twitter / @ FuriaNegra7)
Guatemalan residents report that their families are being cared for (Photo: Twitter / @ FuriaNegra7)

Agreed to what signaled Elida, her husband and the other salaried people from his country the 13th of January and his idea was to go north of Mexico.

For another lad, the middle guatemalteco Free Press, signaled that Héctor López Ramírez, Alcalde de Comitancillo, met this 26th year with original people in this municipality, who presume that their families are the victims found in Tamaulipas.

Ante ello les dijo que: “algo tiene que hacer el Gobierno de México ”y que todo“ Comitancillo está de luto ”. While rescuing the investigations by ADN the families he received support from the local government.


Masacre en Tamaulipas: lo que se sabe de los 19 cuerpos calcinados hallados en una carretera

Report of a total of 19 calculated deaths in Tamaulipas

Terror in Tamaulipas: Fiscal confirms that 19 people were shot and killed
