Alfredo Arias reacts to Cali’s empathy 1-1 with Medellín | Colombian football | Betplay League

Now, again, Alfredo Arias feels at ease at press conferences when asked about the aspects that follow the Deportivo Cali, which, in order to produce the mayor’s goal of goals, ends its games with a 1-1 for Medellín and el Atanasio Girardot.

It goes without saying that failure to define, and there is no new, equal theme in this year’s campaign, eliminated from all competencies, as long as there is leadership and the insecurity that there are many details that go unnoticed.

A compromise was reached on the question of whether the Cali would be superior, as far as the rooms of the house ‘Bolillo’ Gómez in the DIM are concerned: “One of these adentro has the most customers, the analysis has made it always free on holiday, Medellín debía come much more atacarnos pore iba perdiendo, es su caso, su campo, venían en la taba abajo nuestro, lo normal era eso, que nos viniere in los ultimos minutos, creo que otra vez pagamos la mala finalization de jugadas que creamos muchas, in the first and second time we finalize well, by nerves, by apuro, hay that follow work, training so, because it is very important, merit also of rival that teniamos adelante, no rindió, has good players and an excellent body technique, otherwise it will be ”.

What is the dominion of the balloon? “I do not believe that we will lose control of the game, we believe that we will define well, the last step, we will fail, and it will be logical that Medellín wins and we attack. The numbers in mind, can subjectly be given in the retina that Medellín attacks us in the last minutes until the goal is scored, but the numbers in mind, prevalence in the game, the position, the tricks in the arc, kansen create. The team has a large party, who wants to congratulate my players, plant in this game and have a rival like this. Play to win, play the game as you please, attack the whole party, provoke the rival to make the five changes in the second minute of the second time is not easy and my players will hiccup. If we correct the finalization to be more happy, we are between the objective, that in this championship we are between the eyes, we are sure to be ahead, the domingo will play another time ”.

When it comes to the sum total, which is more like a derrota, it takes 9 minutes to finalize the encounter, explaining that “as the party, there are no content, they are in the locker room and my players are all set up in the locker room gacha, eso demonstrate that we want to win, we have the merit to win, but we have a team at the front, good players, very good technical team, we can simply, but the team plays well. Voy a decir algo que ojalá le llegue al hincha del Cali, creo que el hincha está feliz, primero, invicto, sale a jugar a ganar, a ser protagonista de los partidos, pero a veces no se da, no podés. Those who ask the questions geen son hinchas del Cali, se les nota. The hincha del Cali is happy, they told me when I went to a press conference, the hincha del Cali. The demas, go to them ”.

Cali will receive the home on February 28 (20:10) in Santa Fe, in the most lamentable compromise of the league’s decisive match, albeit the first against one of the seconds, separated by 4 points.

Marco Antonio Garcés
Correspondence Futbolred
On Twitter: @marquitosgarces
