Alexis Valdés hacks a Cuban lame man who is represented by testimonies in the European Parliament

9 | 21/02/2021 – 18:33 (GMT-4)

The Cuban humorist Alexis Valdés hizo a lame to all the Cubans who are represented by the testimonies of a group of representatives of the island in a virtual encounter this fours with the European Parliament, as a result of the repercussion of the theme Patria y Vida.

The director in production also says that in addition to the rotundo support that has increased the comparability, also institute saliendo to the speeches of Cuban women who decide that what he said about Cuba “does not represent the Cubans”, many of them false or those of official institutions of the Cuban government.

“A lot of people have shown that Charles likes to be impressed by the testimonies of all of us, and as always, there are some false or misleading accounts of the Cuban government that we do not represent to Cubans.” which is represented by its name here [en la publicación] “It’s good that the world is separate from what people are,” Alexis said in his social speeches.

In less than one hour, Alexis’ Facebook post has more than 1,500 comments by Cuban numbers who are represented in front of the European Parliament, and on Instagram around 400.

These 10 more members of the Cuban Civil Society will participate in the virtual meeting “Patria and Vida: Art and Politics United in Cuba” in the European Parliament and, in addition to sharing the representation and censorship that han vivido en carne propia, also visibility themes such as the freedom of expression; persecution and defamation against activists, artists and periodicals; the economic and agro-ecological situation; feminism and the protection of women; emigration, deer, regulations, health care precarious, among others.

Among the Cuban panelists were, in addition to Alexis Valdés, the art curator Anamely Ramos, the writer Wendy Guerra, the artists Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and Maykel Osorbo, the director Asiel Babastro and the musicians and representatives of the Cuban exile in Miami, Wil Chir and Arturo Sandoval.

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