Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demands Ted Cruz’s reunion

By Dareh Gregorian – NBC News

Congressman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat from New York, accused the youths of Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican in Texas, of “intending to assassinate” the results of the election period ahead of the disturbances in the Capitol and in exile. in renunciation.

The legislator criticized Cruz for saying that he would like to establish an agreement to pursue an investigation into why the Robinhood bulletin board should allow users to buy actions, including the game set of GameStop video games.

“I’m happy to work with Republicans on this topic, but I have some points in common, but I wish I had three weeks, so you can start. Congratulations on working with any other representative of the Republican Party who did not agree with me. Mientras tanto, si quieres ayudar, puedes dimitir “, le dijo a Cruz en un tuit.

Cruz and Sen. Josh Hawley, Republican of Missouri, are holding up a strong scramble for allegations to impeach the Congressional Electoral College’s ballot, citing President Donald Trump’s false assertions that elections were held. “.

[El hombre que amenazó de muerte a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez en Twitter enfrenta cargos por el ataque al Capitolio]

A Senate Democrat group presented last week an ethics denunciation against Republican senators pending an investigation to determine whether to coordinate with pro-Trump midfielders who preceded the 6th January Capitol.

Tanto Cruz as Hawley han negado haber incited to the violence that stalled during the election of voters, when a multitude of Trump’s partisans invaded the Capitol. Ocasio-Cortez, a former white supremacist, said he had a “very close search” for what he “thought he would kill” during the race. One of the people accused in the motif supuestamente amenazó with “assessor”.

Cruz, who acknowledges that Trump “has no responsibility” for the storms, has not accepted anything, Ocasio-Cortez recorded.

[El senador Ted Cruz sugiere falsamente que el Acuerdo de París contra la emergencia climática favorece a los parisinos frente a los estadounidenses]

“Mientras usted hable conveniently of ‘follow adelante’, a second official of the Capitol’s police period will see the life of the sequels of the attacks in which he participated. This is not a joke. We need to return accounts, and that includes a new Texas senator. “, le dijo.

He was not charged with aggravated physical and mental misconduct as he contributed to the supremacy of the Capitol’s policies and the custodians ‘work on his members’ proposals to the Congress “, written by others, including Cruz, who has millions Followers on Twitter point out that she, for the sake of “selling her chronology” [en la red social] and begin to pursue influences “.

When asked about his comments, Cruz declared to the periodicals: “There is a lot going on and a rabid party in the Democratic Party. It is not salvageable for our country, it is certainly not for the sake of sanction or unity, but we all have to decide how to interact with the people “.

[El senador Ted Cruz lidera la oposición republicana a los resultados y así podría verse beneficiado]

Ocasio-Cortez burles his Twitter account: “Where did he get the logical response to his remarks? In an abrasion?, written.

The two politicians will be working together in 2019 on a project of anti-pressure groups.

Cruz, who collected money from his objections to the electoral roll, insisted that he did not hesitate to challenge the results of the elections and did not incite violence. “Debating a constitutional right issue in the Senate plenum is the antithesis of resolving the conflicts through a terrorist attack violet”, defends the principles of this month.

[“Fue un chiste”: el CEO de Goya nombró a Ocasio-Cortez ’empleada del mes’. Ella dice que nunca llamó a boicotear sus productos]

Hawley also announced at the KMOX radio station in St. Louis who did not intend to cancel the results of the elections.

“Never say that the objective is to reverse the elections”, alegó Hawley el jueves. “It is never the objective and it is never possible”, aggregate.

But when asked in a Fox News interview on January 4 that Trump will be president on January 20, Hawley said that “it depends on what supersedes the mercenaries.” For this we have the debate “, afirmó.
