Alexandra Fuentes agranda su combo y annuncia nuevo libro

Lo pedían a gritos y se les dio. Aunt Alexandra Fuentes as Herbert Cruz can hold a respite in his functions within the program “Alexandra at the 12 ″, of Telemundo, on the contrary from the close moon in front of the veterans of the comedians Víctor Alicea and Carmen Nydia Velázquez.

The animator does not tend to correct all the forms of apprehension that tend to take longer to unravel the interviews and participate in the comedies without price, as well as increase the number of talents, also tend to add additional media, and then , the program will start at 11:30 am, and will extend until 13:00 pm, from April 12th.

It is agreed that the necessary program for the time being, just in front of the chamber like Herbert and I, and Ivonne (Solla) and Roberto (Cortés), but they are in one of the mayor’s themes In the midst of us, we are dismayed that a space gap will be created in order to be able to integrate new people and create comedies, situational comedies that will ensure continuity. In the case of Herbert and his solos it is difficult, because many times I get the pillow, sage corriendo to make the next interview, so that there is a reto can make a comedy. Now with the entry of Víctor Alicea and Carmen Nydia create the opportunities, because they have many characters, we have more interest in creating other characters ”, the presenter explained.

“Luzma” and “Enriqueta”, performed by Víctor Alicea and Carmen Nydia Velázquez, will be part of the characters that will be integrated into the new stage.

Victor Alicea and Carmen Nydia Velázquez read with their respective characters, including “Susa” and “Epiphanio”.

“His comedians are tried and tested and he has more than ten, in addition to his great talent, he has great activity. He worked with Victor, worked with Carmen Nydia and is very easy to work with. They are their collaborators and I love them, ”said Fuentes.

The program covers the sections of news and analysis with Luis Pabón Roca and Carlos Díaz Olivo.

“La Misma” new attack

The Orchestra La Misma, musical comedy type, by Alexandra Fuentes and Telemundo’s technicians: Jesús “Chowi” Mulero (tambourine), Joíto Meléndez (cencerro), Julio Sánchez (cajón), Robert Rosa (güiro), Herbert Cruz (palito) )), Danny Rosa (musical and piano director) and José Vélez (sonidista), will present a new theme, also featuring the near moon.

The song has no title yet, but promises to honor the ability of men to find nothing.

“The majority of men mandate to search for an arrow and not the enclosure. The words, ‘I went to the ballad of Isla Verde and traéeme arena’, y no ven la arena ‘, commented on the interpretation revelation about the inspiration of the letter.

On the 12th of April, in addition, the finder Julio César Sanabria will be presented with his hat, four years old, in a mano a mano.

These cases have a second book

After the publication of the book “Casi casi Primera Dama” (2017), which motivates the performance of a comedy work with the same title, Alexandra Fuentes announces that at the beginning of the season she will present a published publication with the motto Lily Garc .

The text will be a conversation between both women; Lily García from the role of interviewer, says the other answer. In sync with this project, Fuentes commenced to offer charles together with Garcia.
