Alexander Delgado’s message to the Cuban people: No se dejen confundir

| 20/01/2021 – 13:49 (GMT-4)

The ladder of aggression Zone People, Alexander Delgado, sent a message to the Cuban people for the 2021 in which they can “no se dejen confundir”.

“We will change our political position and our way of showing the things and conditions censored in Cuba, not put on the radio or on television, but we do not have to confuse, to us ours is ours paying for us, we are not alone“We simply have a position that we need to have a lot of time for,” said Alexander.

The governor assures that “the people of Cuba is the reason why we adopt the posture we adopt”, because “our toxos ponernos del lado del pueblo, del lado de la verdad”.

The director of the most international duo of Cuban music is revering to the humanitarian aid recovered in Miami and “who does not integrate”, detonator of the end of the silence of Alexander Delgado with respect to the reality that lives in the island.

The song also echoes the increase in electricity, and is the result of a devastating pandemic in the middle of “divide the tithes into divisions, when in Cuba there is no division”.

It’s said that is happening in Cuba

Well, Alexander signaled that he should not question any of his colleagues about mantenerse in silence, because he knows that there is a real opportunity to give more to your family, he points out: el lugar del pueblo “.

Asimismo, reitero su apoyo a los huelguistas de San Isidro, “unos muchachos super valientes”, y critique el aumento de la repression y las detenciones en Cuba: “Gente de Zona va a seguir denunciando”.

Following the principles of the past July, Alexander stood up against the Cuban Governor for the retention of humanitarian aid that Cuban residents would gather in Miami to support their islanders in the midst of the economic crisis.

“Although you think that I have not been accused of 20 things, I am interested in what happens to the people of Cuba, I am interested in the people of Cuba not being beaten or reprimanded, that they are not abused by the police”, dijo en this moment.

As a result of this, Alexander has repeatedly denounced the assassination, repression and police violence in the island. During the Free Cuba Fest of Miami, in October, the cantante pidió libertad para Kuba y el fin de la dictadura.

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