Alexander Delgado canta Patria y Vida in restaurant Sala’o de Miami

| 09/03/2021 – 17:41 (GMT-4)

Alexander Delgado, integral of the reguato duo Zone People, cantó este lunes el popular tema Patria y Vida at the restaurant-bar Sala’o, at Calle Ocho in Miami, gave the public core animation the song that in the last few weeks has been converted to a standard of living children in Cuba.

Together with the artists Yotuel Romero, Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo and El Funky, the duo integrated by Randy Malcom and Alexander interpreted the song that could sustain the plot “Patria o Muerte”, launched by the failed dictator Fidel Castro in 1960, by the phrase “Patria y Vida”.

The moment Alexander sang in the restaurant-bar Sala’o was shared by the artist in his Instagram stories.

On YouTube, moenie fue estrenado the video clip of the theme in February media, the work that has the moment more than 3.3 million reproductions and more than 190 miles “I like”, giving samples of its red popularity.

The title of the song is also used to name initiatives like the caravan which parades the Saturday at Calle Ocho, with the end of manifesting its support and solidarity among all the Cuban compromises with a change of political system in Cuba.

También also inspired other actions inside and outside the island. Monday, the phrase written in the letter from the Consulate General of Cuba Reviews of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Many Cubans have rotated facades, walled in public spaces and their proposals are covered with these words, while the Cuban authorities have increased the repression on each of them which implies the unspoken phrase or theme.

In February, government goblins and State Security agents violaron the perimeter wall of the house of the activist Anyell Valdés during a repudio act. The assailants vandalize the facade of their home with a blue painting to cover the consignment, and in it lie official phrases like “Viva Fidel” and “Patria o Muerte”.

Recently, a Cuban resident in Spain interpreted a feminine version of the song, while the international media are declining in popularity and significance at the same time as the Cubans appear to be most hasty of the governor, who will be able to satisfy the most basic needs of the people.

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