Álex Saab: the plan of the United States to escape escape – Unidad Investigativa

In the last few hours it has been demonstrated that the barrister Alex Saab Morán is not a simple opponent of the regime of Nicolás Maduro. His name as permanent and plenipotentiary ante Africa – revealed by EL TIEMPO – confirms the importance it has for Maduro, who desperately intends to obtain immunity at the port of his extradition to the United States.

(Look at a letter: Nicolás Maduro has a list of things to do with Álex Saab in Ethiopia)

Álex Naím Saab Morán

The emperor Alex Saab stepped down from being a simple contractor to Venezuela’s plenipotentiary.


Archive / EL TIEMPO

The diplomatic game to favor the Venezuelan dictator’s signed testimony was approved by Governor Trump. Pero empezó ‘n confirmiger lo que hasta aora era en gerug.

The ‘The New York Times’ diary signaled some days ago that the San Jacinto cruise ship was completing a military mission in Cape Verde to avoid Saab’s skin and was withdrawn from the zone.

(You may be interested in: Cape Verde has official executives involved in the Saab case)

Without embarrassment, the TIEMPO confirms that it has not dealt with a high-profile case and that, in addition to judicial action, the United States is carrying out discrete military tactics in a tram that has more than millions of turbines contracted by Saab and others robados by the regime.

Nicolás Maduro

Evidence of Nicolás Maduro’s desperation is to protect Alex Saab from the extradition. His judicial judicial and diplomatic duties demonstrate that Hugo Chávez is not a simple contractor.

For federal agents, it is clear that Maduro’s intention to protect Saab is due to the fact that the barrister has secret agreements with Iran, Turkey and Russia, which could affect the security of the United States and the region.

Hecho, hace 5 días, Iran salió a accusar al goberno Trump de hacer provocadoras maniobras militares, por la region, con bomberderos, que podrían escalar.

(Also: What does EE.UU say about Saab being Maduro’s plenipotentiary?)

“The San Jacinto War Buque has been moved by these coordinates. But it can be confirmed that another cruiser will be replaced and at the moment there is one more from the Atlantic North ”, he said in this diary a federal source from the United States.

The sanctuary of San Jacinto has been moved by its coordinates. But it can be confirmed that the other cruiser is at the moment one more than the Atlantic North “: EE. UU.

The monitor

And aggregate that if well complete alternate missions in the zone, the vigilance on tour to Saab is one of them. Moreover, with this same proposal there are various agents in the embassy of his country in Cape Verde, the most ancient diplomatic mission in this island island.

The TIEMPO also confirmed that two European countries are supporting the vigilance in the June zone, when Saab was captured in transit in Iran, where it had to negotiate gasoline, food and medicine, as well as the pandemic, during the Great Depression. .

(In context: Cape Verde does not have a criminal record against Alex Saab and defeats the case)

“One of these countries has a water hub destined to monitor communications. As long as our cruisers, satellite satellites and technology, ”explained the source.

And it seems that thanks to this monitor that an Iranian aircraft was detected when Cape Verde denied the permanent permit. Information without confirming that the aeronautical party is located in Venezuela, with the cargo that is in demand: Saab.

Nombramiento a Saab

This is the office with which Jorge Arreaza cancels that Saab does not have intermediary functions in Ethiopia.

At the moment, Venezuela is stating that, while undergoing a humanitarian operation, Saab is authorized to hold end-of-year celebrations with its family. The lesser detention is the domiciliary detention ordered by the Tribunal de Justicia de Occidental Africa (Cedeao).

(On the topic: Maduro launches advertising in Cape Verde to get closer to Alex Saab)

In a flurry of legal-diplomatic arguments, Saab’s defense says it has deadlines, unless it defines its situation. And that Saab is a diplomat with immunity.

The theme is empezaron to move with more force when the San Jacinto cabiodianas water salio. Including, Alcanzaron planted a diplomatic seat in this country at the end of which Saab used the home court.

Cape Verde Empress

It’s the Cape Verde emperor who meets with people close to Saab.

The dilation

In addition to the military panel, Justice Department officials responded to inquiries that the Cape Verde Supreme Court had planted about the Saab extradition.

The memoranda include, among other points, some of the charges in which the solicitation of extradition is initially withheld. They are related to the Colombian Germans Reinaldo and José Slebi, who – as he revealed the TIEMPO – habilitaron a vehicle for Saab to enter money into the United States financial system.

When the judicial holiday takes place, the 15th of January of 2021, the expedition will open the Court of Appeals, again to the Supreme, for the final decision. And it is clear that while this is being produced, United States will not be surprised.


Joe Biden’s administration is in charge of EE’s judicial position. UU. af torno a Álex Saab ya Venezuela

Biden and retroactivity

Hecho, the governing body of the United States and is concerned about the tables in which it is moving the case and the strategic and geopolitical importance of which Saab is finally extradited.

But it is by verse if the governor Biden follows this line of action and includes reforming the price.

(Can be of interest: Álex Saab accuses Cabo Verde of burlering orden de sacarlo de prision)

Mientras tanto, Saab sigue bajo vigilancia. And it is clear that such a regime as his lawyers – including the executor Baltasar Garzón – van to follow the legal battle.

“And there was no idea that a squadron was going to Cape Verde to take care of it,” he told EL TIEMPO, a federal source without a clerk.

(You may be interested in: DEA shows the awards of Alex Saab in Barranquilla)

At the moment, Saab’s lawyers are looking for a case law to demonstrate that the immunity of the new cargo is retroactive.

“Contrary to the English position of the United States, the principle of retroactive diplomatic immunity is recognized by the federal courts of the United States,” he said in his defense.

(In context: La bogotana en la mira de la DEA por giros y nexos con Álex Saab)

Although United States does not classify it as a false, ineffective step, the defense states that it has cases in which courts do not question the certification of diplomatic status, except that individuals are not currently in charge of irregularities.Saab, for its part, passed its first year New on a 2-by-2 metro line, with limited communications and the title of plenipotentiary.

What is the extradition?

In Cape Verde, the judicial holiday is on the 15th of January. Ese viernes, the clerk of Álex Saab, who was forced to leave the Court of Appeals, regressed again to the Supreme Court for the final decision.

Pero his attorneys quote new to Cape Verde ante the Tribunal de Justicia de Africica Occidental para que obliga a que se de detécension domiciliaria. And now, as Venezuela’s plenipotentiary ambassador, he solicited immediate so much money for Cape Verde.

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