Alex Saab says that this extradition is congelada and that it is false that EE.UU aircraft. vaya por él – Unidad Investigativa

United States calculates that, although the Cape Verde Court of Appeals approved the extradition of Alex Saab, Nicolás Maduro’s testimony, there are 20 days’ proceedings before the DEA.

But Saab’s comments and his defense are different and, hecho, in communication with the TIEMPO ensures that the information from an EE aircraft. UU. llegó a ese país a recogerlo —Confirmed by Federal Agents— is false and sensationalist.

(We invite you to a letter: EE. UU. Send aviation and tax to Cape Verde by Álex Saab)

Saab Office

This is the office in which Jorge Arreaza announces that Alex Saab is a plenipotentiary ambassador.

In effect, in a statement that acabance of emitting, advised that the extradition is literally conjugated.

(You may be interested in: Tribunal de Cabo Verde da via libre a saddditionión saab)

“Deseo records that Alex Saab has been illegally detained in Cape Verde for more than 200 days. This detention on its own is illegal because Saab is a diplomat who holds, and continues to hold, an official position. The detention was also illegal because it was dictated on 12 June in compliance with an order of arrest issued by the State without the Circular Roja de Interpol correspondent. The Red Bull will be released on the 13th of June, “the defense said.

The fiscal property owned in Cartagena and Barranquilla by the emperor Alex Saab, who has moved to the international level as the testament of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

Nicolás Maduro intends to send diplomatic missions to Saab nombrendolo ambassador plenipotentiary.


And he records that Saab was a ‘special envoy’ of Venezuela and now is a permanent and plenipotentiary in Africa, insisting that his detention is illegal, “on the basis of the period between the United States of America’s extradition and now, when the extradition process is under way, it has exceeded the constitutional limit of 80 days in more than two weeks and media“.

(Además: The secret plan of EE. UU. Until Alex Saab escapes)

The Reiterate that the Tribunal de Justicia de Occidental Africa (Cedeao) “has been acquitted and is not subject to appeal”, ordering that the extradition proceedings be suspended, in the hope of its case regarding the legality of detention.

For this reason, the Cape Verde affirmation states that it is not subject to the sentences of the Court is false. And it is credible that they have credibility information that is signaling that EE. UU. has sent an airplane to the Saab of Cape Verde, which is classified as “extremely prejudicial to current legal proceedings” sub judice in the Supreme Court of Cape Verde and the General Court of the Community of the Cedeao “.

(The interest would be: This is the credit card of Alex Saab who enters 2 Colombians)

The response of EE. UU.

United States sources reiterate the interest of its justice in obtaining Saab’s extradition, which is considered a key figure in Maduro’s regime.

Hecho, the anticipation to EL TIEMPO that in addition to a legal and military table, the judiciary will move again in the weekly proxies with the amplification of the investigations, which will include new numbers in the expedition.

(In context: Why did Piedad Córdoba look into the DEA file on Álex Saab?)

While Saab’s defense says the extradition process is “agotarse”, the United States will meet in the final.

The Supreme Court, which in the past has made clear statements regarding the trial, has the expedition in its hands and must decide whether to ratify the Court of Appeals’ decision to extradite to the regime of freedom or freedom.

(Consult here all articles of the Investigative Union xde EL TIEMPO)

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