Alex Morgan’s deshace en elogios hacia Mourinho tras su paso van Tottenham

The estadounidense, Alex Morgan, says goodbye to Tottenham and as soon as the 2020 and will be in Orlando Pride, lie of his step by the side that militia in the FA Women’s National League of England, donde pudo coincides with José Mourinho, technician of the female team of the Spurs and who the stadium has launched a series of compliments.

During an interview with The women’s soccer show, the attacking norteamericana’s desiizo en elogios hacia ‘The Special One‘, which has the Spurs in the game at the top of the Premier League standings and will ensure that Buscho follows his example during his time at English football.

“He had a good start and José had a big job to do with his team in the air, I believe that he is very good and initiated with the right path. I was well received by my team when I started my stage with the female team. It is always about learning, getting better and being the best, ”commented on the state of affairs.

The World Cup champion with USWNT will play English football, donde sumos of goals in monkeys five appearances with the female team of the Spurs, with whom he lived the activity of giving love to his wife Charlie Elena.

Your next objective

Alex Morgan’s move by Tottenham to help the stadium move to activity, lies ahead of the matches and now onwill travel to the United States to prepare for the Tokyo Olympic Games, which will be debated in June next year and will close its second medal of gold, the winning title in London 2012.
