Alessandra Rosaldo and Eugenio Derbez visit gala for their first red alphabet from house

Applying that proverb que reza “Adapt or die”, anoche, the Derbez dieron lessons of elegance to participate in the first red alphabet from house, one of the activities that with the new normalcy has tenid suffers modifications. Cobijados por el cariño de Aislinn, Vadhir, Aitana and the little one Kailani, Eugenio Derbez y Alessandra Rosaldo to attend the gala to take part in the premiere Coda, is that it is annexed as part of the arrangement of Sundance Film Festival. Through social speeches, the matrimonial document is this new experience that results in very comfortable puppies, enjoying the projection of the film from the hall of his hogar in Los Angeles.

Eugenio Derbez and Alessandra Rosaldo at their first gala at the house VER GALLERY


Organizing the talent of Eugenio, Alessandra stuvo shared various stories on her Instagram account where the very young guipa luciendo a black robe with the guapísima lució: “Oigan! les quiero presumir, vean nada más esta guapura ”, commented during a clip where he appeared to have a kiss on his ass which is part of this movie. The vocalist of Sentidos Opuestos it is clear that not only will they be seen for the occasion, Aitana and Kailani, eran the most stylish looking at their princesses: “Hasta las nenas están de gala”, comment mientras Aitana decía: “Hello!” to the room with his cloakroom Frozen.

Alessandra Rosaldo red alfombra at home VER GALLERY

Pero Alessandra does not only presume the performance of the demas, also approves to show the design that eligaó for this night in the regress by the big girl to the international red alphabras: “I’m sorry, I’m also, thanks, gala guests, because I’ve been watching the Coda movie, a new song from me at the Sundance Festival, commented on another video. Approving the presence of Aislinn in the case, its great complicity, the footnote that captures the model as he demonstrates with the demonstration that the black is an infallible tone for this type of occasion. Alessandra played the report paper and asked Eugenio what he wanted to see in his work in an important forum for the seventh species: “My father, what a pain it is to be virtual and not to be here. It’s very beautiful, beautiful movie ”, Derbez’s response.

Although there is a different difference, the new normalcy from the opportunity of Eugenio to share this estrangement with his hijos Aislinn and Vadhir women, of other forms, no hubieran could live to see this experience. Through his social speeches, he will show off his hard work and strength to be part of this important support: “We are here all together, with my husband, with my father, from the gala, Ale, with the vestibule”, commented by Vadhir in one of his stories. An otro-clip, Aislinn comment: “We’re all here … at home”, referring to the fact that, by first hand, thanks to technology, we could enjoy the Sundance arrangement from the comfort of our hogar.

Alessandra Rosaldo and Eugenio Derbez recuerdo SundanceVER GALLERY

Alessandra Rosaldo, the fan number one of Eugenio

With this new logo from Eugenio, Alessandra recorded on Instagram the first occasion that Eugenio participated in Sundance, a Festival that saw the opportunity to assist in 2007: de Cine de Sundance, Bajo la misma Luna (joya de película), protagonized by Kate del Castillo and directed by Patricia Riggen y Sangre de mi Sangre with Jesus Ochoa y Armando Hernández. Ayer, another great movie in which Eugenio acted as a star and abridged with great success this same festival. Tan orgullosa estoy hoy, como lo estuve hace 14 años y estoy absolutely absolutely sure that it will be another huge success. Congratulations, love me!”, Rosaldo’s description as a description of an album with various photos of that journey.
