Alertan intentions to ‘fly’ the Capitol with Joe Biden inside

Groups weather desean ‘volar’ el Capitolio when the President of the United States, Joe Biden, delivered a speech before the legislators, accuso hoy la jefa in functions of the Police of Edification that alberga in the Congress of this country, Yogananda Pittman.

According to the Capitol’s police authority, comparison ante a subcommittee of the Cámara Baja, These groups will be present in the chaos generated in this edition when the Congress convenes the ratification of the Biden electoral victory, a move that provokes the death of five people, among them a police force.

“We know that members of militias who founded Stuev on January 6 aan he manifested his desires of wanting to fly the Capitol and eat at the maximum of members (of the Congress) that are possible, with a nexo with the State of the Union, sober as we know that we have not fought a fecha “, says Pittman in the comparison about the attack on the legislative edification.

Just 6 years ago when hundreds of ex-presidents of President Donald Trump entered the Congress violently, breaking into the offices of various legislators, manipulating documents and robbing articles of the emblematic edifice.

All this is a lie of a discourse of the ex-mandate, which does not recognize its responsibility to alter the order and was subsequently absolutely absurd in a political trial in this case.

Based on the information available, Pittman considered “prudent” that the Capitol Police maintained safety measures.

Throughout the session of the Congress, the authorities have been able to vary in recent years and become integral to the National Guard, as well as a military corps in the reserve.

Pittman hizo hincapié in that the extremists who invade in the Capitolio only institute interested in attacking the legislators ya the agents that velaban for the security.

Querían mandar un symbolic message to the nation about quién establish a load del process legislative“, advirtió.

Pittman, who replaced the former head of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, with his resignation after the chaos, made sure that the intelligence information recovered before the attack showed that “no amenable crime” exists.

“It has been insinuated that the department (which directs) no sabía o ignoró inteligencia crucial which indicates that an attack of the magnitude we are attempting the 6th year has to take, “says the person in charge, who agrees that this type of information never exists.

Agrego that “although we know the probability of violence on the part of extremists, no amenation will be credible indicates that decades have passed to attack the Capitol of the United States, nor the Intelligence received by the FBI, nor any other security company indicating such an arrangement “.

The person in charge signaled, in addition, that it was estimated that ten thousand miles were in Trump’s favor in the capitals of the Capitol on the 6th of January, and that there were 800 rioters in his interior, in front of 200 miles recent security.

The discourse of Biden ante el Capitolio

According to media outlets, it is hoped that Biden will deliver his speech, similar to that of the State of the Union, which will bring legislators together for another year. The mandate should send a message to explain its governing plans and the logos of its administration in the first weeks.

It is hoped that it will a joint session of the Congress, despite the fact that the Legislature approves a third economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

