Alena Douhan: A spokesman for the UN confirms that the sanctions against Maduro “have aggravated the disasters of the Venezuelans” | International

Alena Douhan, UN Relator, at a Press Conference in Caracas (Venezuela).
Alena Douhan, UN Relator, at a Press Conference in Caracas (Venezuela).MIGUEL GUTIERREZ / EFE

The United Nations Special Rapporteur Alena Douhan has stated in his visit to Caracas that the sanctions imposed by the EEU on the Government of Venezuela, applied in the field of political forces that have taken place since the beginning of the year, have increased their privacy. Douhan passed 12 days in Venezuela and had two talks on the Venezuelan situation with President Nicolás Maduro and with 50 other political leaders. Douhan’s statements are well received by Maduro. “The UN High Commissioner Alena Douhan has called on the United States and European Union Governors that the sanctions against Venezuela have been lifted, because they have exacerbated a huge humanitarian crisis against the people.”

“Antes del bloqueo”, Douhan afirmó, “Venezuela usaba the 76% of its petroleum intakes for inverters and social programs and now can not invert the 1%”. The UN’s executor agreed that the country “could not buy vacancies because it did not have the right to use its money”, alluding to the convergent estates by the Bank of England and other internationally confiscated assets committed by elected voters. .

Since 2014, Maduro’s economic strategy, hereditary of Hugo Chávez’s times, has been the subject of a mid-term crisis that translates into a patriarchal date on the quantitative reserves of monetary reserves in the country. The aggravation of the economy hizo Maduro returns to its revolutionary tone in the private sector. Establishment of draconian controls in the commercialization of products that provoke a grave escalation, and, to a large extent, along with corruption and monetary and fiscal disorder, hyperinflation.

The affirmations of the special relations of the UN have been reciprocated with benevolence by the chavismo, which has the right of the “block” on the plan of the moment. However, it also provoked a great deal of indignation in the political sectors of the opposition, which were responsible for the current Venezuelan upheaval in the dilemma and the corrupt corruption in the chavismo.

Officials’ speeches have been commented on and praised by the official media in their opinion polls, particularly highlighting the huge current shortcomings that Caracas has for commercializing petroleum and obtaining combustible in international markets, including those with arguments the step by Donald Trump’s Gobierno stadium against the country.

The civilian sectors of the colocaron opposition in social speeches have a tendency to change the trend that #LaCrisisFuePrimero claims. The opposition – between the human rights organizations, civilian activists and advocates, political leaders and parties – argues that the denunciations of the existence of a humanitarian crisis in the country are still there and that for a long time there has been negligence.

“I have a special relationship with the coercive media presenting their information about Venezuela. We lament that a United Nations official is pushing for propaganda and narrative that excuses the regime of its responsibility in humanitarian emergence and the violation of human rights ”, affirmed by his party, Miguel Pizarro, Commissioner for Juan Guaidó of the UN yembro party Primero Justicia.
