Alejandra Guzmán blames the fraud that hizo Larry Hernández | EL IMPARCIAL

MEXICO CIUDAD.- Alejandra Guzmán appeared in the rooms of the Ventaneando program, where he talked about the fraud that Larry Ramos, Ninel Conde’s wife, had.

During the interview, the singer confesses that he can not discuss the topic because the request is being processed, but as soon as he can discuss the topic, he will explain everything he has asked.

In addition, Enrique Guzmán’s wife, who has not been the first to be admitted to his confidant, may be found guilty, because in the end she gave her a big hug.

I’m creo en laley divina and I’m a person I’m working with “you sing

At the moment Alejandra prefers to start this topic in the hands of the lawyers, who are living in this case and that in the end they are the ones who think it will be the best.

And it is in addition to the interpretation of “Mala hierba” the confió a million million with the objective that is creation conforms to the time.

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