Alcanza atmospheric contamination in China precovid level

Atmospheric contamination is expected in 2021 at the previous levels of the covid pandemic in China, in line with the images captured by the satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA, in English).

In a statement, the ESA noted that there will be a further delay to the February 2020 drug, which will initiate the restrictions on covid, “The atmosphere of atmospheric contamination has recovered and is in its infancy, a time when the means of contamination are being relayed”.

The images by satellite satellites of Copernicus Sentinel-5P demonstrate the monthly nitrogen dioxide concentration media (a gas that contaminates traffic and fossil energy combustion in the industrial process) in the center and east of China and the months of February 2019, 2020 and 2021.

According to the graphs, the period of contamination from 2019 to 2020 is evident, as is the fall in 2021 to the levels of two years.

In Beijing, for example, nitrogen dioxide concentrations are declining by 35% between February 2019 and 2020, hasta “more or less” recover this 2021 the umbrella of 2019, indicates the ESA.

In the municipality of Chongqing, the situation is peor, pues, after the quay of 45% the contamination between 2019 and 2020, the European organism prevalent that in this municipality “cases are duplicated” the levels of precovid.

The head of the Copernicus Satellite mission, Claus Zehner, explained that the increase in atmospheric contamination also depends on the climate and the weather in Europe.

“In the following weeks and months, we hope that nitrogen dioxide levels will also increase in Europe,” Zehner warned, citing the relationship between combustion and covidia.
