Alcalde in Texas renunciates tras decir that “only the sovereign forces to the torment” | News Univision United States

Tim Boyd, die esta martes era alcalde de Colorado City, Texas, decided to write a polemic post in Facebook the night of martyrdom in the middle of the historical tormenta that caused more than 20 deaths and gave its electricity to millions of people, the Mayoria in its state.

“There are no feelings of guilt in my mind for a minute !!” “Naden o húndanse, ¡es su elección! Ni ciudad ni el condado ni los proveedores de electricity les deben NADA a ustedes ya su familia ”, continued. “Only the sovereign forces will prevent the debauchery”.

Colorado City, a Texan community of 4,000 residents, is located 230 miles east of Dallas and, like the rest of the state, the temperatures are very low near the end of the week and the strata of the constant records that dejaron without electricity are more than a quarter away Texas (number of millions of users). For the sake of this market, at least two million of the Texans are continuing unabated, 20% of the total, according to the site.

In his publication, Boyd said that “people were killed and stabbed” by the people who were looking for help and that the current situation in which they were found was “sadly the product of a socialist government”.

No Democrat has won a Texas victory in any state election since 2004. Governor Greg Abbott, Deputy Governor Dan Patrick and the fiscal general Ken Paxton son republicans like Boyd. His party controls the Cameras of the Congress of Austin. Texas has 38 votes in the Donald Trump Electoral College in November, by a difference of 5.8% over President Joe Biden’s, which will be completed this week at the end of the month.

The indignation that caused his comment was that Boyd delete the message and write one in which it is discussed, explaining that its original publication was directed only to those ” that his many floats to parry through his ownAnd he made sure that his family lived there before his first job. In the postal code that pertains to Colorado City (79512) hay for 4,400 customers of the electrician and, according to data quoted by the Dallas Morning News, about 1,300 are continuously serviced for these markets while the market thermometer is 23 ºF (-6º C).

Texas politicians criticize emerging comments

