Albert Pujols surprendió todos con robo de tercera basis

The Dominican canon of the Angelinos, Albert Pujols, it does not have the velocity that some have, but it does not mean that the veteran of 21 seasons keng tenga los instintos para rob a base.

Pujols helped generate a chip in a striker’s attack from the Angels to stave off the front in a double-robbery action in front of the Rangers, Kyle Cody’s, in the seventh round of the 6-4 draw. Angel Stadium. Pujols were told that the staff was paying close attention to the media and immediately arranged the third base. Fue su primer robo de base from the 20th of August 2019.

It’s emotional. It’s always up to the game, ”said Angelinos manager Joe Maddon. ‘Have a great game. The veteran. He has a great job ”.

The double robo produced fruit in the middle, with Kurt Suzuki connecting a handcuff to the garden that impelled Pujols, while the Cuban José Iglesias went out in the open. Tres pitcheos despue, Iglesias anotó con un mal mal lanzamiento.

Signed with Church. Tal vez un un cruce de miradas o algo. Sabían que el pitcher estaba lento”, Dijo Maddon. “Además, no lo estaban vigilando”.

Surprisingly, Pujols ha tenido écito robando bases con los Angelinos en los ultimos años, pese a estar entre los jugadores más lentos en cuando a velocidad en sprint se refiere, según Statcast. Hecho, the 10 times summoned to the Game of Thrones were held 13 follow-up almohadillas with effect from the 19th of September of 2015.

Peru sigue siando unomalía ver a un jugador de la edad de Pujols robarse una base. Quisqueyano was converted into the mayor’s oath by Ichiro Suzuki, who held it on July 17, 2016, when the Cardinals were 42 years and 269 years old.

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