Alan Pulido details the health of Chivas and “bromea” with his regression to the MX League

The Mexican delantero del Sporting Kansas City, Alan Pulido, respond to the dudas tras su salida de las Chivas Rayadas del Guadalajara, donde fue goleo champion and an icon of royal history.

During a question and answer session on your official account of Instagram, Pulido was questioned on the grounds of dejar al Rebaño Sagrado, and that Pulido resulted in several details.

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“Fueron has various circumstances that do not appear to me, and certainly do not show the forms, but understand that his people are ten years old and have a lot to do with the club, and are respected by many things”, he wrote.

Alan Pulido no salary of the best form and is hablade of which, in part, can not be agreed with Ricardo Peláez, sports director of Chivas.

In addition, Pulido also bromeó about the possibility of wearing the colors of the Monterrey Rayados, tiger rival acrimony, team in which he also passed.

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