Alan Mozo will have to subscribe to 150 mil pesos in his discipline

Despoté de llegar con sobrepeso a la pretempora para el Guardians 2020, is sanctioned by the club over a private party during the quarantine with his par of Cruz Azul, Pablo Ceppelini, y the filtering problem as personal could Míchel González, Alan Mozo volvió to incur in extracurricular themes that he was able to judge his future with Pumas.

In a video that is filtered through social media, appeals to the lateral right in a party of companions ingesting alcohol and without sanitation during the visit. Disputes of sanctions on the part of universities, Mozo salió pidiendo disculpas y asegurando que no volverán a ocurrir temas de esta indole.

A sanctioning party and an economic mantra have side ‘pagos’ to compensate for his mistake. Tras perderse la jornada 3 de la Liga MX, he has filtered the total amount that tends to pay to pay off his debt. Agree with information from Francisco Arredondo in his column of the portal Mediotiempo, Mozo tends to subscribe to a quince of his sueldo del mes, es decir, 150 mil pesos.

Además, the player will be separated from the team until he obtains the results of the tests that he takes to prevent any contagion. The next week will be presented to a new level of exams, and from the negative, there will be the immediate incorporation of the team of Andrés Lillini.

He paused his salute to the MLS

Jesús Ramírez the Mobra confessed to Mozo that he was standing with European teams for a possible salute of the player, without embarrassment, and always and following the column of Arredondo, the MLS was one of the most secure destinations for the joven player, but his last act of indiscipline was to paralyze the negotiations.
