Al parecer Lambda García aún no olvida a su ex Polo Morín

In the recent broadcast of the program ‘Hoy’ standing training a new section ‘La Palabrota’.

The game consists of writing different words bajo reloj con las letras de la palabra que muestran en la pantalla.

Lambda García joined Marisol González with ‘Philanthropy’, because with the versatility that the characters both learn to speed up the pizarron.

And with a total of 18 Lambda acorns to be had, act that dio de hablar, some fans assured that he was not olvida to his ex Polo Morín, some in his related words to Polo.

Check out Lambda García’s recent news from the news site that ended with Luja.

Lambda García aún no olvida a su ex

“Simply not tenamas cabeza and tenimos that think well the things, tenimos that give a time to know exactly what it is that I have to decide, and what I have to feel… pass this time … and the day of today, martes, solely quiero decirles que: sí, efctivamente ayer se tomo la decisión en separarnos, se tomo la decisión en terminar la relación, no es algo que haya estado en los planes de nadie, no es algo que haya estado viviendo en la cabeza ni rondando en la cabeza. Simply pass the things, pass as the things, one does not prophesy of his destiny destiny ”.

Lambda García aún no olvida a su ex
