Aislado in the White House marginalized on social media: as long as Donald Trump lives his last days as president of EE. UU. | International | Notice

Washington –

‘N Diez días del finale van su mandate, Donald Trump enfrenta cad vez más llamados para que dimita, también desde el propio campo republicano, con el objekto evitar un complex de deissuition process que anuncia inminente aunque con pocas kansen vir die écito en the Congress, in full political, sanitary and economic crisis in the United States.

After the resignations of Republican senators Ben Sasse and Lisa Murkowski, Senator Pat Toomey confirmed the domingo in CNN that a reunion of the president “series the best truck”.

Trump “has a level playing field (…) absolutely unacceptable” since Democrat Joe Biden won the November election, adding.

“The best for the United States of America series that will decrease”, dijo en ABC Adam Kinzinger, legislator at the Chamber of Deputies and First Republican, asked the Jews that the president should declare “no apto” to hold office.

Aislado in the White House, abandoned by various ministers and distanced from his Vice President Mike Pence, Trump no da, without embarrassment, no signal to be thought of renouncing, as councilors quoted by the state press.

Separado de Pence

The move to the Capitol of the United States consults the rift between Trump and his former vice president, who plans to assist the investor in electing Joe Biden and pretend to facilitate the transition between administrations.

Trump announced that he will not attend the ceremony of assassination of those who will be derelict in the elections, but Pence said he would be present.

If the assistant president’s salient assistance is not a surprise – and Biden says it will be “welcome” – it is a model of the grief that separates Trump from his brace right from the certification of the Democratic electoral victories of democracy.

Trump and Pence have not spoken, according to the press, since that day in a turmoil of supporters of the mandate of the Congress in the Congress in an action that killed five people and committed them to the United States and the world.

Mike Pence and Donald Trump did not design a specific detail for the first time in 2016.

Trump has been involved in a change of electoral bailout, but preference will finally be placed on the corner lines of Pence with the white Christian electorate, in his majority of advanced oaths, which will sign a key paper in the 2016 duo.

Political Juicio

The leader of the Democratic majority in the Chamber of Representatives of the United States, Nancy Pelosi, affirmed the domingo that is on the list to launch a second process of political juiciness against the president, less than that of the White House in the next few days.

If there is no “legislation on the amendment procedure will be presented” to the legislators, Pelosi wrote in a card to the parliamentarians.

“To protect our Constitution and our democracy, we act with urgency, because this president represents an important amenity for both”, added Pelosi, who has maintained a relationship with the mandate during his four years in power.

Democrats at the United States Congress will begin this Monday: President Donald Trump’s resignation process for the second time in a row, including Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet, will not replace his cargo.

The Democrats, who control the House of Representatives, will present a resolution in the House of Commons that supports the 25th Amendment of the Constitution and the Trump White House.

Republicans are blocking an immediate vote on this resolution and the pro-democracy Democrats are presenting an indictment against Trump, first acting to initiate a new political juxtaposition of the Republican mandate on his papal incentive.

Pelosi accuses Republicans of piling up in the United States to block actions in favor of Trump.

“The Republicans of the Chamber of Deputies (Representatives) are enforcing this legislation to protect the United States, allowing the transgressions, disturbances and unstable acts of presidential resignation to continue,” Pelosi said in a statement. “Su complicity in pilgrimage to the United States, erosion of our democracy and must end”, siguió.

Trump called for political justice in Congress, the Democratic opposition controls the House of Representatives in December 2019, accused of pressuring Ukraine’s governor to investigate Joe Biden.

Absolutely strong by the Senate, the Republican mayor in 2020.

The time has come for Biden to assume the 20th of January, and if the political juxtaposition could begin, the Democratic Democrats will have to support their Republican rivals in the Senate to conclude with the power of the president’s power.

It is probable that sufficient alliances will be obtained to increase the Senate’s thrones of 100 integrators, necessary to condone Trump and restore his power.


Suspended on Twitter and in the rest of the big social speeches to avoid new incentives to violence, the mandate options to communicate with the general public are now limited.

Continuous authorities are pushing for Trump protesters to launch death plans against Pence and Pelosi.

Alrededor del Capitolio has already erected a high metal barrier, as long as it has increased the number of security measures up to Biden’s investment, to which Mike Pence has said he will assist, in contrast to Trump.

Trump’s allegations, twuls in other major social speeches, are outraged and denounced censorship for, at the moment, his options for trying to save his very limited.

Giants like Google the Fires and Apple the Saturday, also eliminating its application tiers in Parler, a platform used by right-wing extremists and commentators conservatives.

“The freedom of expression is murmured and controlled by female executives,” said Donald Trump Jr., president of Saliente.

“Who will be the next to be silent?”, Asked Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal spokesman, as State Secretary Mike Pompeo went on to say, “Izquierda.”

“Sadly, this is not a new tactic of the Izquierda. We work hard to silence the voices of women who oppose it,” he said.

The influential Republican Senator Ted Cruz classified “absurd and profoundly” the decisions of the social speeches.

“Why did a Silicon Valley multimillionaire have the monopoly of political discourse?” He asked.

Paradoxically, the reactions were expressed on Twitter, Trump’s preferred social network and he fired the firefighters to consider his messages inciting violence.

Fuera de la PGA

Only the social networks are separated from the mandate. The Association of Professional Golfers of the United States withdraws the domination of the PGA 2022 Campaign from Trump Bedminster in New Jersey, after which President Donald Trump’s partisans attacked the United States Capitol.

“The United States PGA Directive voted this night to acquire the right to review the agreement to play the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump Bedminster”, said the President of the PGA of America, Jim Richardson, in a statement published in Twitter.

The announcement about the future of one of the ´Majors´de golfer responds to the pediatric criminals inside the mouth of this sport that implored the PGA Tour executives to distance themselves from the controversial mandate. (I)
