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Why are rich parents more likely to be unethical?

William ‘Rick’ Singer, founder of the Edge College & Career Network, pleaded guilty to charges in a nationwide college admissions bribery scandal. AP Photo / Steven Senne Federal attorneys arrested 50 people in 2019 in a college admissions fraud that allowed wealthy parents to buy their children’s admission to elite universities. Prosecutors found that parents paid up to US $ 5 million to get their children to university. On the list were parents of celebrities like actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin. Some may ask why these parents did not consider the moral implications of their actions? My 20 years of research on moral psychology point to many reasons why people act unethically. As far as the rich are concerned, research shows that they will go to great lengths to maintain their higher status. A sense of justice plays a role. How people rationalize Let’s first look at what enables people to act unethically and yet not experience guilt or remorse. Research shows that people are good at rationalizing unethical actions that serve their own interests. The success or failure of children often has consequences for the way parents view themselves and are viewed by others. They will be more likely to invent their children’s reflection. They seem to gain respect based on their commitment to successful children. This means that parents can be motivated by self-interest to ensure their children’s performance. In the case of cheating for their children, parents can justify the behavior through comparisons that help them disconnect morally with an action. They may say, for example, that other parents are doing much worse things, or minimizing the consequences of their actions through words such as, “My behavior did not do much harm.” Considering unethical outcomes as serving others, including children, can help parents create a psychological distance to rationalize misconduct. Several studies show that people are more unethical if they help someone else as well. For example, it is easier for employees to accept bribes if they plan to share the proceeds with colleagues. Meaning of Justice When it comes to the rich and privileged, a sense of justice or a belief that someone deserves privileges above others can play an important role in unethical behavior. Being rich and privileged can lead to a sense of justice. Bryan Fernandez /, CC BY-NC-ND Privileged individuals are also less likely to follow rules and instructions as they believe the rules are unfair. Because they deserve more than their fair share, they are willing to violate norms of appropriate and socially acceptable behavior. The feeling of justice leads to people being more competitive, selfish and more aggressive when they experience a threat. For example, white men are less likely to support affirmative action on even the playing field because it threatens their privileged status. Research suggests that justice may be partly rich. Wealthy people who are considered a ‘higher class’ based on their income have found that they lie, steal and cheat more to get what they want. They were also found to be less generous. They are more likely to break the law when driving, giving less help to strangers in need and usually paying less attention to others. In addition, the growth of wealth is associated with more narcissistic behaviors, leading to selfishness, resulting in a need for admiration and a lack of empathy. Consequences of loss of status Persons who believe that they deserve unfair benefits are more likely to take action to increase their status, such as ensuring that their children attend high-status universities. The loss of status seems to be especially threatening for individuals with high status. Wealthy parents may fear losing their status if their children do not attend top colleges. michaeljung / A recent review of status research shows that status loss, or even a fear of status loss, is associated with an increase in suicide attempts. Individuals have been reported to show physiological changes, such as higher blood pressure and pulse. Such individuals also made greater efforts to avoid loss of status by being willing to pay money and allocate resources to themselves. In their book “The Coddling of the American Mind”, Greg Lukianoff, expert on the first amendment, and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt make the case that parents, especially in the upper class, are increasingly anxious about their children visiting top universities. These authors argue that given economic prospects are less certain due to stagnant wages, automation and globalization, that wealthier parents are particularly concerned about the future economic opportunities for their children. Unsuspecting people who have a sense of power, often accompanied by wealth and fame, tend to believe less that they are vulnerable to the detrimental effects of unethical behavior. If you experience a psychological feeling of power, it leads to a false sense of control. It can also lead to increased risks and a decrease in concern for others. It is possible that some of these moral psychological reasons were behind these wealthy parents who cheated on behalf of their children. A desire to put a lot of effort into helping the child is admirable. However, if these lengths exceed ethical limits, it is a step too far. This article was published from The Conversation, a non-profit news site for sharing ideas from academic experts. Read more: Colleges confront their commitment to slavery and wrestle over how to compensate for past sins Why elite colleges should use a lottery to admit students Admission to college has arisen from a system that is ripe was for corruption David M. Mayer did not work, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that benefits from this article, and did not disclose any applicable commitments beyond their academic appointment.
