Agridulce the success of the song “Amén” by Ricardo Montaner and his family

Since launching the song “Amén” on December 23, in which to participate Ricardo Montaner, together with his wife Mau, Ricky y Evaluna, in addition to his yerno Camilo, his video was reproduced over 100,000 million times on the YouTube platform.

These good wines are accompanied by wine without any good things, to enter that a very close person to the Montaner family, Roberto, known as ‘Ruper’, coronavirus infection, finally failed one week. It is provoked that the promotion of the song is attracted.

Sondeverbod, “Amén”, the dio la fuerza necesaria a todos ellos para seguir adelante y darse cuent that the initial proposal that tuvieron al crearla, de llevar fe y esperanza en Dios, también logró calar ellos y utilizarla de bálsamo. “As a family, we live very close to it COVID-19 y hemos estado muy kwesbaarhede. If we do not hesitate to contact the song ‘Amén’ in front of this room ”, Indicates Montaner during a press conference held to cover the work of Zoom. “We will be completely devastated. Well, the success of the song is a great allegory, succeeding in a moment of power and difficult for us. But, we are transiting over a path that always carries us to God ”.

For all the components of the Montaner family that participate in the song, it is extremely important that the individuals understand their meaning and proposition. ” Amén is a conformation of many things that make us all feel good. Since he was 10 years old he has been serving Jesus Christ and has been constantly searching for the way to serve me. ”, commented by Mauricio Montaner, who formed together with her husband the duo of urban music Mau and Ricky. “The world is clearly connected to what I want to do with my life and how I want to serve God. With this song, it is as if it were his songs that confirm that all that he has done since then and that all that he has broken and validated the pen ”.

Ricardo Montaner indicates that he hopes that the song “Amén” will be translated more from this moment and will be given a balm species for those people who are tired of it. “Thinking that, with time, this song can be converted into a mode of evocation for a lot of people that has passed through special moments, but it is not what we are looking for. What we are looking for is what we have here, as a message for the people to call on him at the moment I think about it and what he needs most ”, details the artist.

In the case of the Colombian Camilo, who was married to the hen of Montaner, Evaluna, the disco “Amén” has doubled. “The song produces me a huge allegory and is that I am part of a divine proposal”, commented on the song that was nominated for 10 Awards The New. “I’m embarrassed, I’m very excited to hear that you sang with Ricardo Montaner. If I’m humiliated by this, I’ll have a full organ to complete ”.

This song is a video that was directed by Marlene Rodríguez, sponsored by Montaner and mother of the participants in the song, is the first of the new album by Ricardo Montaner, which will be available in the March finals or the principles of April, and which will be the number of the song. “In this album we wrote about the lesser songs between all of us (including the three Germans and Camilo). For those who want to say that we are collaborating between all ”, added the Venezuelan song. “And if I were allowed to do so, I would also like to participate in some album albums”.

Although it is not the first time that Colaboran has joined his famous father in a song, for Montaner’s houses this is a unique experience and line of satisfaction. “For every one of us, it’s easy to see that our father is Ricardo Montaner when he’s all there. So it’s good, because we’re really looking forward to the opportunity we have to learn from a master at home. Geen creo que todos los artistas tengan esa fortuna ”, mentions Ricky, who is characterized by having painted the middle of his pelio color rubio. “At the moment of the career in which we are, we can say that we have a joint issue with Ricardo Montaner, there is a huge logos in the career of every one of us. I’m a fanatic of Montaner’s music since I’m nac and can be with my idol in a song, it’s a very high reality ”.
