Afirman that some patients find themselves “in a critical situation”

As part of the press conference of the Integral Atenciation of the Emergency COVID-19 of this month, the infectious disease doctor Julián Bibolini, brindo precision about the state of health of patients with coronavirus, which currently has 247.

In this sense, the specialist explained that the cases are distributed in different Sanitary Attainment Centers or in their domiciles, while the “most complex” cases are derived from the Interdistritorial Evita Hospital. “There are 63 people who need more control and they will find themselves in this nosocomio,” he said.

Signed that three patients were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (UTI) of the Evita Hospital “for more complicated cases” and that “he was undergoing a serious state of hospitalization, with mechanical respiratory assistance, some of them in a critical situation, pilgrimage” every minute, hour after hour, and I will see the evolution of these people in the hoy and manana’s course ”; advirtió Julián Bibolini.

On the other hand, details of the three patients at UTI, including those of Clorinda’s locality, and of Formosa’s capital, and instead of maintaining the sanitary facilities established to avoid the contagion or spread of viruses, are frequent. uso correcto del barbijo, social distance y alkohol en gel.

Finale finale, Bibolini commented that “the majority of patients who receive treatment with their hyperquinine equine have evolved favorably and hope that sigan as well as major mayors. The remaining patients are subject to medical follow-up and control, the laboratories are realized and there is the possibility of a passenger being compensated at a more complex center ”.
