Aficionados de Chivas detenidos tras bronca en Mazatlán

At least a group of 20 detainees were detained during an assault on Mazatlán’s playgrounds

Preview of the meeting between Mazatlán and Chivas, Guadalajara’s sequelers will play in a play area, lieu that only groups of animation will take part in a camp game, only some of them will present different ones.

Find out from ESPN’s assurances that the encounters between Guadalajara’s animation groups are habitual, and that there are many of them and different sectors, so the relationship is always the best, main reason why we should have an expatriate hotel Océano Palace.

There are some videos that circulate around social media, show the training between the two groups of animation, while they are found on the play, in addition to reading to the different golf courses objects for launchers among them.

It is estimated that an estimated 20 detainees will be detained, so that those involved in the perpetrators will have up to 36 free hours, which is why the search for this night will take place in Mazatleco territory.

This is the first occasion that the Chivas animation groups have made a trip to another state with the finalization of a Guadalajara game during the pandemic, currently the directive of the Mazatlán conjunction to announce that they will enter this meeting is encountered agotadas.

Chivas will play against Mazatán FC this night at 21:00 hours at the Kraken Stadium the corresponding match at Jornada 10 of Clausura 2021 of the MX League.
