affects 10.3 million users

El apagon by hoy lunes alrededor de las 14:29 horas tuvo repercusiones sobre 10.3 million users of various colonies, municipalities and alcaldias of various states of the country, aseguró Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

The fall is generated by various generation centers of electric energy dejaron de operar y ello provocateur de deja de enviarse energia al transmission system, la cual dejó de recibir 7 mil 500 megawatt.

Although the National Center for Energy Controla (Cenace) afirmó que el apagón inició a las 14:28 horas la CFE afirmó: “a las 14:29 horas, operation salier 10.3 millones de usuarios a causa de una baja frecuencia en todo el territorio, esto a causa de generation centers generation ”.

Also read: At least 5 more reports are available

The reactivation of the service was initiated at 14:52 hours, as agreed by CFE “is subject to the instructions of @CenaceMexico, which must guarantee the security of the National Electric System”.

Probe ban, el Cenace afirmó que “at 14:45 hours (center time) there is a 60% recovery of the cargo (representing 4 miles 500 megawatts” in the System Interconectado Nacional, prioritizing strategic areas ”.

Also read: Explanatory cause of the agony: imbalance in the National Interconnected System

For 15:55 hours CFE and Cenace informs that it is recovering 94% of the cargo, it is 7 miles 050 megawatts. Poco después, a las 16:12 se rapport – 100% de recuperación.

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