Advierten sobre peligros del sexismo en medicina

Although sex influences the prevalence of diseases such as cancer, the VIH and cardiac infections, the females themselves are so underrepresented in the medical examination as in the treatment of diagnoses and treatments, an additional study was conducted. mujeres y un varón) published in the journal of the National Institute of Health of Colombia.

Alert work on the possible sex drive of the scientific evidence in the sentiments: the relationship with social mechanisms and access to health systems, many of them preventable and unjust; and elucidates the biological mechanisms and the medical maneuver, some inevitably also relate to the different necessities of men and women.

Based on the terms that podiums reveal sexism situations, investigators are appealing to data mining techniques (the employer search in large information packets) in aggregation algorithms, with the aim of constructing words to help deduce conceptual topics related to data base publications PubMed, free access and specialized in health themes, with over 19 million bibliographic references.

If the report also considers the increase in publications that investigate the mayor’s incidence of cardiac disease in women (as well as the complications of embarrassment and the temporary onset of menopause), criticize the response to the development of particular policies.

In the most term terms related to the condition of the females, “disparity in health” and “medical attention of the party” are detected. In addition, I found a paper bag devoted to matters as relevant as social justice, the rights of women and gender identity, as well as the socially constructed attributes, in the case of biological characteristics that differentiate into women and.

However, the treatment and treatment of various medical conditions can be very different for men and women many times this week is not taken into account. Image credit: OPS / OMS, both Creative Commons 2.0 license

These disorders are aborted – by the mayor in minor minor- in investigations into cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer or correctional disorders, pain and analgesia, health and mental illness, and infections by the human immunodeficiency virus.

The minor advancement in studies on genetic, autoimmune and mental diseases has to do with the fact that “some research protocols do not include women, arguing that in doing so, the analysis and interpretation of the results are explained”, explained in an e-mail a SciDev.Net Mireya Martínez-García, Researcher at the National Institute of Mexican Cardiology and one of the authors of the work.

In an interview conducted years ago in this situation, Julia Tagüeña -ex Deputy Director of the Scientific Council of the National Council for Science and Mexican Technology- Destroying the Importance of a Genocide in Cardiovascular Diseases. As scintillating sciatica is more severe than in men, some women are unrecognized while undergoing a cardiac attack and are not hospitalized at the time.

The symptoms and complications with the VIH that the females are experiencing are also different, for a 2016 revision in the United States found that they only represent the 11 per cent in the studies that are being explored.

… Some research protocols do not include women, arguing that in doing so, the analysis and interpretation of the results will be more detailed”.

Mireya Martínez-García, National Institute of Cardiology, Mexico

The miracle of gender, Martínez-García recalls, is unpredictable “in order to influence the studies and research of the mayor of possible nurses, and to set the bases for the design of policies and policies that will help reduce disparities in treatment and treatment ”.

It is also permissible to take into account the social determinants affecting physical issues and the account of the obstacles that women face and diversity to access the necessary care, plant in telephone directory Magdalena Arias, coordinator of the Licentiate in Psychology of the University of ISALUD, who was not part of the study.

“As suelen estar a cargo of the dependent persons, the women have less time to make medical consultations, which generates an inequality in the ownership of this right”, exemplifies.

In some situations, including accepting that the couple attends the meeting with male gynecologists, Agree Arias, who also doula (accompanying during the embarrassment and the party).

The authors of the work prevent these disparities from disappearing when the health staff abandons the idea of ​​”bikini medicine”, which means that women can be diagnosed and treated in the same way as men.

“There is never the same thing as equal places,” insists Arias, criticizing “the paternalistic miracle of health and sickness.”

Martínez-García demands to guarantee the inclusion and representativeness of women in the publications of research studies, advocate interdisciplinary programs that contribute to diminishing the idea of ​​fragmentation of their health, in disregarding more opportunities for development.

Although the promise of Latin American investigators is the mayor of the world (44 versus 28 per cent), the women will not be allowed to lie to the leaders or to the decision-makers with the same frequency as men.

The “formation should” be included in the initial plans of the careers, but also in the ascension competitions, in the update courses and in the training in service “, agrees Arias.

As an example of mediators who help to reverse the inequality in access to medical services, it proposes that health centers and secondary colleges assess women and men in family planning and that -we have them empathize with transit maternity- the calendar of its controls coincides with its hijos.

At this point, the political decision appears as a fundamental requirement. A more equitable scenario, concludes Martínez-García, is the only one that can be explored in the drafting of legislative strategies that address the problem of sexism in all its complexity.

> Submit your complete study in the Biomedical Review
