Advierten about easy access drugs and five times more potent than cocaine

Following the publication of a video in the area of ​​Condado of a man with his effects, the Administrator of the Administration of Mental Health Services and Against Addiction (ASSMCA), Carlos Rodríguez, advised on the duty of the drug known as La Flakka .

In an interview with Radio Isla, Rodríguez describes the effects of this sustainability, the quality is synthetic, and it is easy to access. “It’s easy to buy, we’ve got a lot of these drugs we can buy as easy as we can gas,” he said.

The recommendation:

This drug can be smoked, can be inhaled as well as can be injected, is a neurological stimulant and inside its effects, as seen in the video, has an energizing effect but also has an effect on the corporal temperature, and the reality is that will provoke the use of euphoria sentiments, increase alert status, also produce sexual arousal, sensation of ten more energy and increase movement ”, aggregated.

Rodríguez states that this drug is five times more potent than cocaine.

The ASSMCA administration, according to the official, has redesigned efforts to launch an all-in-one orientation campaign to concentrate on this issue.
