Advice: Donald Trump’s Georgia Rewrite

Former presidents and vice presidents have told us how psychologically difficult the early months of lost political power can be. So we can have empathy if former President Trump is frustrated these days, and perhaps that explains his attack on us on Thursday over his role in the loss of the Senate by the GOP.

“The Wall Street Journal editorial page continues to deliberately fight for globalist policies such as bad trade agreements, open borders and endless wars that benefit other countries and sell out our great American workers, and they fight for RINOS which has hurt so badly. the Republican Party, “Trump said in a statement. ‘This is where they are and this is where they will always be. Fortunately, no one gives much to the editors of The Wall Street Journal. ”

For someone who says we do not matter, he is definitely spending a lot of time reading and responding to it. Thanks for the attention.

What the most famous resident of Mar-a-Lago really looks like is not his caricature of our policy differences. It is that we recognize the reality that Mr. Trump is the main reason why the Republicans lost two Senate games in Georgia in January, and thus the Senate majority. Mr. Trump refuses to accept responsibility for the defeats, contrary to all evidence.

The statement of Mr. Trump blames the losses in Georgia on the governments of Brian Gemp, Brian Kemp, and Senate Mitch McConnell. His report on mr. Kemp is that he did not fight hard enough to overthrow the president’s loss to the state in November, an allegation that Mr. Trump changed his main campaign theme ahead of the January 5 Senate election in Georgia.

All the polls showed that the best argument for the election of the two Republicans was as a control and balance against a democratic government. But rather than showing it to voters, Mr. Trump focused on his grievances against Mr. Kemp and his allegations that the election was stolen. Mr. Trump told Republican voters that their votes were meaningless in November, so it’s no surprise that their turnout fell in January. As found on the FiveThirtyEight website: “The better Trump did in a country in November, the more his turnout dropped in January.”

Mr. Trump also blames Mr. McConnell’s “refusal to pay more than $ 600 per person on the stimulus check payments when the two Democratic opponents presented $ 2,000 per person in ad after ad.” It rewrites history.

Mr. Trump’s secretary of state announced support for the $ 600 checks on Dec. 8, and the GOP swung behind the proposal. He only endorsed the $ 2,000 checks until Dec. 22, giving the Democrats the sword against the two GOP Senate candidates who endorsed $ 600. The two eventually endorsed $ 2,000, but do not appear to be committed to doing so. Mr. Trump’s $ 2,000 flip-flop candidates have hampered his own party.

“Still stupid,” he added. Trump added, ‘the National Republican Senatorial Committee has spent millions of dollars on ineffective TV commercials starring Mitch McConnell. This is also false. We are told that the Senate committee spent only about $ 90,000 on the ads that appeared on national cable TV to raise money. They raised about $ 6 million which was then spent on advertising in Georgia with Senate candidates, not Mr. McConnell does not.

We practice it all because it is important for the future of GOP. In the single Trump term, Republicans lost the House, the White House and eventually the Senate. How can it be that everyone except the most prominent Republican in the country is responsible for victories, but not the defeats that Republicans left in the desert?

The loss of Joe Biden of all people, and with 7.1 million votes as current president, must be painful. Counseling may be in order. Any good analyst will explain that the first step towards recovery is to accept reality. The same goes for Republican voters who want to win back Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024.

Wonderland: Is Trumpism Separate from Donald Trump? Or believe Mr. Trump, like Louis XIV, “Trumpism – is it nice?” Images: Superstock / Everett Collection / Getty Images Composition: Mark Kelly

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