Adiós al Payasito de la Tele, muere Ricardo González ‘Cepillín’

The famous Mexican Ricardo González, known as Cepillín, This March, the 75th anniversary of the inauguration of the hospital took place on the 28th of February in the hospital due to intense injuries in the cleft palate.

Gonzalez failure tras ingresar ayer to intensive therapy for cardiac insufficiency and neumonia.

El Payasito de la Tele Emergence and operation were performed at a hospital in the State of Mexico on February 28, by a column in the column.

During the intervention that lasted nine hours, Cepillín put the colocaron on top of the tortillas and the varillas in the column.

It turns out that during one of the studies carried out at the end of the week, the doctors who were waiting for Cepillín to have cancer.

“I had a good prognosis, but I was afraid that I would fail my dad”, Ricardo González Junior announced while being interviewed in a matinee review program.

According to information in the national media, Ricardo González, known as the Payasito de la Tele, had suffered an accident at the escalators of his home and was being held in hospital for debiting injuries during the fall of 28 February.

During the time when he was interned, Ricardo had some serious cardiac complications and had an operation on a vertebral column and there was evidence that he had cancer in the column.


In the finals of the decade of 1970, the figure of Cepillín’s environment in one of the principals in the child television ambition with his program El Cepillín’s show.

The origin of his character surgies the world of spectacles. Having studied the dental profession, Ricardo is characterized as paying to make sure that his children feel better about being a dentist.

‘N Partir de entonces, Ricardo (Monterrey, 1946) kom as’ n protagonisar infantiles de televisión de su ciudad natal, en se gan un un spacio en television.

Dicho Trabajo sentos bases para tener su propio program en Televisa, en la Ciudad de México, y fue con Cepillín’s show, an educational program, comedy and with invited artists, which covers 18 countries of America.

It also pays to conduct programs like A Sonrisa with Cepillín, Super Saturday with Cepillín y Cepillín’s life. These are the last productions of the film by his brothers, Ricardo Junior and Roberto González.

Here are some of Ricardo’s most familiar facets of the musical, and some of his programs include iconic themes such as La feria de Cepilín, La gallina co-co-ua, or his version of Las mañanitas.

Mexico has a large number of premiums both national and international, such as the New York Association of Spectacles’ Association (ACE)’s Award for the Law of Puerto Rico or Oklahoma.


The latest news on social media, the world’s spectacle and Mexican politics will be the last farewell to television.

“It is a very sad day for me that we have a great friend who knew me in the 80s. I would like to thank Ricardo González, worker, honesty and great human quality”, said the Minister of Tourism, Miguel Torruco.

For her part, the singer and actress Verónica Castro shared a photo while watching it, and there are a few songs by Cristian Castro in Cepillín’s bracelets.

“We all have a beautiful record of you and you will always be in our beloved Cepillin’s race,” Veronica said in a note.

They are famous as the singer Aleks Syntek or the actress Angélica Vale, among many others of her followers.

With EFE information.
