¿Adiós a un Aristemo? This is the reason why Juan Osorio and Niurka Marcos’ hiccup is RETIRED from the action

Emilio Osorio Marcos was the replacement for ?? What happened to my family ???, last project in which we will be leaving now. The young actor has a temporary break in his career, then he decided to focus on his career as a musician. In an interview with Edén Dorantes, producer Juan Osorio announced the new professional goals of his hip.

The music will travel to Los Angeles to, in addition to working on its music, take an intensive English course. As soon as the break will be over three years, the notice will be sent to the persons who followed his work and he certified the talent of the producer and the star, Niurka Marcos.

Photo: Instagram @ emilio.marcos

Without embarrassment, his father declared that it was a stage that Emilio should lose. ?? Have you ever wanted to live ??, declared. Moreover, we affirm that the decision was empty despite the fact that both parties are respectful.

?? Lo hemos decidido él y yo, creo que es el moment de cerrar bien een cyclo. Is it in the edad and ese is the next step that we agree ??.

Osorio approves to tell the front of the rooms the organ that is his hich, you can create an independent person and, even if you can do the solo things, you will have a person who supports him in his musical career alone observing the advances.

?? As a father, he feels satisfied, because he has a human being who believes in living alone. It’s the moment when it separates the papa’s cover ??, insure.

Emilio Osorio Marcos is known for participating in projects like ?? My sister has no family ?? en el 2017 y ?? Juntos el corazón nunca se equivoca ?? in the 2019. Currently, in addition to forming part of the new melodrama ?? What happened to my family ??? como-akteur, unió su voz a la de Mane de la Parra para el lanzamiento de la canción ?? Is it a place ??; one of the main themes of the novel.

Photo: Instagram @ emilio.marcos

