Adela Noriega reappears in social speeches

Vaya que quien sigue causando expectativa a pesar de su ausencia es Adela Noriega, which since 2008 has decided to ally the rooms and of its entities its successor with the benefits of losing the new account.

Ahora, and reasons sociales comenzó a circular a video of the actress of the most casual and very regulated, as it is stored list for sale in a television program.

By agreeing with the information transmitted, the video abounds tomato’s profile page of the actress of the actress, Reyna Noriega, who has been confirmed as having ‘some surprises’.

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Adela Noriega she turned into a mystery to her followers, could not account for social speeches and her few weeks she was told to go public, when she told a rumor.

13 years ago when the disappearance of the public eye, the actress is dedicated to a negotiable real estate deal, según account the actress Chantal Andere quien dijo haber recibido una llamada de la actriz hace tres años.

The recent video circulating on the internet gives an hope to its followers to steal new news in the telenovelas, since the producer has said that Carla Estrada be on the lookout for new features that may be featured on your TV, no need to worry about them.

Without embarrassment, some users are signaling that the video of the profile of Reyna Noriega it’s false, ya que la mujer que ahí se ve, no se parece a Adela Noriega.
