Adam Cole celebrates career milestone

Today, April 6, marks the beginning of Adam Cole’s 13th year as a pro wrestler.

Cole addressed Twitter and commented on the milestone, looking forward to his unsanctioned match against Kyle O’Reilly on the WWE NXT “Takeover: Stand and Deliver” Night Two show.

“Today begins my 13th year as a pro wrestler. April 6 will always be special … Could not think of a better way to bring in my 13th year … #Unsanctioned #TwoMoreDays, ”Cole wrote.

Cole started practicing Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW) Academy in November 2007 while a senior in high school. He made his CZW debut a few months later and then debuted as Adam Cole on June 21, 2008, working with The Rede for a loss to Joe Gacy and Alex Colon during the CZW No Pun Intended event.

You can see Cole’s full tweet below:
