Acusan salida onreëlmatig de Joao Maleck al estar sin restrictción alguna

In case of a month of gozar of his libertad bajo fianza, Joao Maleck fue senñalo de tener una salida onreëlmatige debido a que lo hizo sin conocer sus medidas cautelares, según aseguró José de Jesús López Lucano, abogado de una de las victims accidental accidental accident victims María Fernanda Peña y Alejandro Castro on June 23, 2019.

López Lucano, which represents Martha Álvarez, mother of María Fernanda, dijo que además de la falta de las medidas, la salida fue muy rapida, ya que en menos de 3 horas fue authorized.

“We will record that on December 15th a series of irregularities took place, according to Junior Joao Maleck. What have I got to do with these irregularities? Record that the solicitation of the defense took place at the 09:06 of the season, immediately there is an agreement to give freedom at 12:15 of the day, the office for freedom was received, ”López Lucano explained Medium time.

“This agreement, at the moment of having been realized by the judge or of his staff in the manner of expedition, dejaron o hicieron omission en no impress las medidas cautelares sober las cuales tenía que estar el senor Junior Joao Maleck en libertad ”.

For the abogado, this process is usually 3 to 5 days, and with Maleck fueron 3 hours. The 15th of December saw the football player leave the ring in Puente Grande, Jalisco.

“If the condition of presenting oneself is to be observed in a periodic manner, the condition of not paying the wages or not including the state, because there is no succession and it is what we buy, there is practically no restriction on freedom ; es decir, has a series of conditions that are compromised in an agreement, and that must be complied with, and if it does not exist, then you can breathe freely and be there in any part of the world, ”he added.

López Lucano approved to ask for Consejo de la Judicatura the investigation into the juez María Eréndira Mercado, who was the one who authorized Joao’s health without restrictions.

“I have my conclusions and I want to appeal to the Judicial Council or the Judicial Power that the Travels of the Visitaturia area initiated an investigation into the Juez that issued this agreement, giving it irresponsibility with what is being issued and with it haber celebrates the New Year in Las Vegas if it takes place, given that there is no restriction on health or mobility, ”he said.


The lawyer also made sure that he did not receive the payment from the fianza who deposited the aseguradora Zurich for that Maleck tuviera la freedom, this is because the juzgados are on vacation.

“We know that the depository, we have a copy of the writing, without embarrassment, are in court”, he said.

Tampoco has no intention of reuniting with the families affected and also find themselves at rest the appeal ingressada por los accuser.

“We are in the same situation as holiday vacations in the Judicial Power, tenemos que esperar porque a diferencia de lo que pasa con la libertad, el appellate appeals have not been sent to the Supreme Court”, Agregó.
