ACTRIZ – The Mystery of Audrey Hepburn

Converted to Innocent
princess, la
vida by Audrey Hepburn
change to record
the calls of
Rome on board a vespa. Por
art of this magic called cine,
y de una sencilla película, Vacaciones
by Roma, aquella actriz
desconocida geen solo se transformó,
de la noche a la mañana,
in a big star with an Oscar
in the bolsillo; its cinematographers
steps by the sweet life
novel, de la mano de Gregory
Peck, the proportion of the state
de simbolo de la Ciudad Eterna,
brown indisputable para los
Roman propositions like the Coliseo
or the Trevi Fountain.

Audrey looks like the crow
of the novels and quiz by them
acabó convirtiendo Roma en su
hogar y en el refugio que le permitio
alejarse de la frivolidad y
the superficiality of Hollywood,
a place that revitalizes with its brilliance
y su carita de angels inocente,
but in that no one feels
completely comfortable.

In Rome, without embarrassment, he feels
a taste of the first moment.
El hechizo fue tan contundente
who, able to show off
al mundo en aquella obra maestra
by William Wyler, Hepburn rodó
in the Italian capital of movies
mast; in the older years
consists of apartheid al que
acudía a menudo con su primer
marido, Mel Ferrer, y in 1969 formó
a new family with its second
esposo, el médico romano
Andrea Dotti, convirtiendo la Ciudad Eterna en su hogar hasta mediados
los ochenta.

His wife Luca Dotti, water fruit
last matrimony, she decided
now, aided by more than 200 photographs,
to read in the book Audrey
in rome como se forjó esa relación
entre la tercera burgemeester estrella femenina
of all times -según el
American Film Institute, la otra Hepburn,
Katherine, es la reina y Bette
Davis, la segunda-y Roma.

Rome: ciudad del cine

“In 1953, when Vacations were called
in Rome -cuenta Dotti-,
the war is fresh in memory
of the Romans, but the
película recuperó el spiritu despreocupado
and divertido de la ciudad
y, de pronto, mi madre fue
adopted as a new icon
locally ”. Three years after
this first contact point
novel, the British actress of
origen belga regresó para protagonizar
the monumental War and
peace, integrated path in the
studies Cinecittá. Al bajar del
airplane at Ciampino Airport,
the local press, agradecida
por haber devuelto la ciudad al
map, the reception as a hive
predilecta. And here’s a whole lot. FiTíber ‘, of the Splinter of Cinecitta,
of the eye of the paparazzi who persecuted
in search of indiscretions
nocturnas a las estrellas que poblaban
la noche local. Pero and Hepburn,
more all of a kind of sueño a altas
night time in some club,
also the pillar loses the papeles.
‘He saw millions of photos
of my mother in the archives of
the main photographic agencies
-segura su hijo- y siempre salía stupenda ”
. For a lad, his years as
bailarina de ballet proporcionaron
to act a compost
onberispelike durante toda su vida. Por
other, the photographs, by that aura
suya de roman symbol, tuvieron
with those miracles that
jamas concedieron al resto de los astros
cinematographers. “Rome protection”
a mi madre subraya Dotti. The reporters
always the concedieron su
space and time ”.

In the finals of the tenth year,
the actress has her own proprietary circle
of friends. ‘Henry Fonda [tercer
vértice del triángulo protagonista
de Guerra y paz] if with an Italian,
Afdera Franchetti, in 1957, y
se mudó a Roma -cuenta Dotti-. I learned the rod, Hepburn and Ferrer,
su marido entonces y companion
of adaptation in the adaptation
del tolro de Tolstói, kompraron
that’s all you visit
with frequency.

Eran los años del ‘Hollywood del madre y Ferrer salían mucho con
ellos. Fueron Afdera y su hermana
Lorian quienes hicieron de mi madre
a novel novel.

Audrey Hepburn always enjoyed
of the city. “Durante los casi 20
years in which my mother lived in Rome
-prosigue-, la gente la conocía y
all the taxis’ sabbi donde cases
vivía. Todavía lo saben hoy. Ek llevaba
to college, to park, to classes
of nation, meeting with my professors,
buy at the famous pizzicagnoli
[ultramarinos] romanos,
cocinaba para nosotros o para sus
friends, about everything espagueti to the pomodoro,
on the favorite plate, and daba largos
passes with his horses. ‘N veces,
a photographer the sequel and the immortalize
junto a mi padre en alguna callejuela
search for Campo dei Fiori,
hoping that I abuela the abriera
the door of his house for an alms
dominions ”.

Audrey Hepburn, is the minor
of his daughters, never to be heard
on its attractive property. “Decia that tenia
la nariz demasiado grande, lo mismo
que los pies [calzaba un 39]; row
was excessively delgada and that the faltaba
pecho ”. Hepburn pesaba 50 kg,
media 1.70 and its belt opens superb
the 50 centimeters, per in one
era dominated by voluptuous actresses
and round curves, Billy Wilder,
to contract for Sabrina -the second
Consecutive nomination of the
actriz al Óscar-, vio a aquella joven de
magnetic resonance imaging and clarity
del genio soltó: Esta jovencita convencerá
to the world of the great
senos y las curvas pronunciadas son un
vestigio del pasado.

Hepburn, sondeverbod, nunca acabó de verl tan claro. “If I look at the species and say: ‘I do not understand why the people consider me guapa’ -revela su hijo-. His explanation was that, probably, a good combination of defects ”. His sense of humor was, to be precise, a well-appreciated quality among his colleagues. Not in the habit of mingling with many of his teammates like Gregory Peck, Rex Harrison, Humphrey Bogart or Cary Grant, who read: “Everything that can be done by Navidad is another movie with Audrey Hepburn”.

Grant’s design is never completed. Four years after Charada [1963], the only one who rode juntos, she dio la espalda a la industri: “My mother never behaves like a star. madrugaba, era puntual, no gritaba ni daba berrinches de diva. Aun así, debe de conservar todavía the world record of portadas de revistas. 650 -revela su hijo. All this exhibition is very famous and very glamorous, but if we sum up the time invested solely in photographic sessions sum up two years of its life. I have a moment when it is necessary to do more ”.

Hepburn also made the decision to leave the cinema alone. First, in 1967 to take care of little Luca. More late, in recent years, there has been a relegation to the United States in the wake of the collapse of the United Nations.

“My mother never knew my wife -subtraya Dotti-. Habría sido una abuela maravillosa, haciéndoles pasteles, estand con ellos siempre que pudiera, contándoles cuentos … Decía que los niños deben jugar y ser felices porque necesitan de esa allegri a medida que crecen. To do this, consider being part of the vital circle. Do not listen to the desires of women by Mantenerse jóvenes. Thanks to the mayor, he has more time for his family, his family, and the frenzy of the Hollywood frenzy ”.

Those who know Hepburn well are always sad when they are accompanied. ! ”La Dotti- war war. Perdió a casi toda su familia, su hogar … Eso permanence latente en su alma, aunque detrás del dolor todo lo convertía en un descubrimiento. When it comes to his career, he decides he wants to win the lottery. And in the background of his courage, always a grenade. Creció between Belgium, the Netherlands and England, in the camp, and I love it rustic. For that, the final of his life elizio Suiza ”.

Vivió alli until 1986, six years after divorcing Luca’s father, – when he was transferred to Switzerland to look for his wife, who studied ali, internally, the bachelor. In 1963, the actress acted in this country – “with his own money”, only to celebrate with a granddaughter. Hepburn’s romance with Roma has ended.
