Actress of Who Who, Amii Lowndes, is still alive

The recent case of a famed 29-year-old has raised alarms, the actress, Amii Lowndes, who acted in series like “Skins” y “Doctor was“, waits for the recent death, to appear derivative of a condition known as” SUDEP “, which would continue to lead patients with severe epileptic seizures, according to the forensic report.

The star of the Habria series is located on the patio of the house of its fathers, informs, Amii Lowndes, Habria presented prevalence of epileptic seizures in weeks prevalent in its fatal disease, as a consequence the interpreter presented what is called “mu3rt3 súbita”.

The famous figure of the show in Hollywood, who also took part in the medical drama “Casualty” traveled from London to Bristol during the quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic, in the garden garden where his parents found him alive, the joven , presented a series of “convulsions” by those who had been impossibly reanimated, transcended.

As far as other parents are concerned, the young person is not diagnosed with this condition because he or she is receiving treatment for it, according to his or her family, does not think his or her health will aggravate the matter.

The first attack of Amii was made three years ago, but with his death3 we were told that he was SUDEP, we would like to know that we would have the opportunity to say that our attacking soldiers were lethal as he was the son of the brave, account Bea, mother of Lowndes ‘n “The Mirror”

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We are very proud. A Amii le encantaba la diversión, vestig idees van die vida en tenía muchas. We feel very sorry. Nada traerá de vuelta a Amii, pero si podemos salvar a otra familia que esté pasando pr nuestro d0l0r, valdrá la pena “, concluded the artist’s mother in the media

Described, Lowndes habría visits a special specialist in 2018 as current presentation of the first attack, el siguiente ocurrió en mayo de 2020, sin embargo, aseguran, en dit momento el neurologo no detectó un cuadro de epilepsia.

Including, by default, the professional would suggest a telephone consultation with Amii that the previous attacks were related to a cardiac problem. Furthermore, there is no fue medicamente tratada contra la epilepsie.

The case led to a controversy and indignation in the United Kingdom that many questioned whether there was a medical negligence? una ¿Mala práxis?

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Caso similar

And in July 2019, an unknown news item announced the death of the world, the young actor, Cameron Boyce, the star of the Disney Channel, lost life and similar conditions.

The famous figure of “The Descendants”, presents a convulsion while sleeping in his house in North Hollywood, on July 6 this year.

In this case, transcendence that the actor and philanthropist receives a treatment and that presents epilepsy sequences as transcendence, the forensic indicates that the causes of his development are related to this condition, SUDEP.

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What is SUDEP?

(Acronym of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy patients) Explaining the Cochrane site, SUDEP is the cause of death3 for epilepsy, is already present in one to two d3c3sos per 1000 patients per year.

If the crisis, referred to as “generalized tonic convulsions”, by its signs (CTCG) the genus of the person, the temperament eda of the first convulsion, the duration of the crisis in the administration of antiepileptic drugs aumentan ries .

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Although it is not known whether an official cause or the exact reasons for the present, some other factors that signal, can relate to cardiac insufficiency, respiratory failure and the cerebral cerebral cortex.
