Actress Lorna Cepeda, “the girl”, reveals that she was given an object that presumed her character in “Yo soy Betty, la fea”

The Colombian celebrity showed off his Instagram followers the detail that has preserved his character’s record.

Colombian actress Lorna Cepeda, who raised the international family to perform Patricia Fernández, “The Pelican”, in the telenovela “Yo soy Betty, la fea”, revealed to her followers on social media that “a bright” detail presumed his character in the exit melodrama that will be released in October 1999.

Many reckon that the famous life of Beatriz Pinzón Solano and the “quarter of the fairies” brought serious economic problems, but it was forced to demonstrate the opposite, first and foremost.

“La peliteñida” is characterized in the novel by being ambitious and has an image of “adinerada”, acostumbraba a usar ropa y artiklos, segun ella, “costosos and novedosos” in the middle of the deuds that the agobiaban and that intentionaba observe before demás. It is not uncommon for the Ecomoda’s presidency secretariat to have spent six months studying in the San Marino Finances and operating a Mercedes car.

LEA ADEMÁS: Marce y “la peliteñida” confessed by what happened to Armando Mendoza behind the scenes of “Yo soy Betty, la fea”

Now, since it was completed 22 years ago when the first chapter of “Yo soy Betty, la fea” debuted, the famous participant in a section of posts and replies in his Instagram stories to interact with his fans, where to talk about his life personal and artistic career.

One of the scenes of “the pelican” next to the “quarter of the fairies” tomada of a YouTube video. Photo: Illustrative and non-commercial character image / https: // V = SYcheKIEOZc

One of the most intriguing characters that follows one of the sequels to Cepeda is precisely related to the character of the story created by Fernando Gaitán.

“Are you ever looking for a dress or adornment of the novel ‘Yo soy Betty, la fea’? ”, Preguntó uno de los cibernautas.

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The 50-year-old actress responded that she believed the record she had preserved. “It’s the watch that used to be Patricia Fernández’s used in the novel, or it’s been around for years, also connected to the locker room, but when it’s hiccups.”

Sin lugar a dudas, the telenovela “Yo soy Betty, la fea”, protagonized by Ana María Orozco (Betty) and Jorge Enrique Abello (Armando Mendoza), sigue conquistando audience, pues la historia de amor ha sido retransmitida en varios paises y hasta is part of the Netflix platform catalog.

TO PUEDE INTERESAR: VIDEO. Jorge Abello the revelation to Ana María Orozco the day that life for the first time, much earlier than the protagonist “Yo soy Betty, la fea”
