Aclara Galilea Montijo, ¿Recipe sueldo millonario en Hoy?

Having gala of its particular form of sera, Galilee Montijo had the new chambers to approach the theme of the controversial “millionaire salary” that Ghana had to be a conductor of “Hay“How did you do it?

The Mexican actress, presenter and comedian, Galilea Montijo, was detached as one of the consecrated figures inside the conductor, in particular the one that respects the “Hoy” program in which together with some of its companions, collaborates from many years ago.

The presenter, who breathes gala of a particular style and vest in the ultimate grit of fashion has consolidated inside the matutino, now that he has new versions respecting the “quantum salary‘que la famosa recibe luego de tantos años, esto sumado a otras wek kontroversies.

“Now the tapestry has broken the silence and cleared its version about these rumors, in the midst of other accusations that he made against his promise of superstition”abuse of power“mismas de las cuales también lo defense.

In the midst of a series of interviews, the origins of Guadalajara, Jalisco, diverted the attention of the Senegalese media to the figures that are “very funny”, in the midst of jokes and a game of words, as well as the charismatic presenter.

What better pay than what? Depending on who digs it. Nee, las cifras que manejan, son muy peligrosas, not te digo por ‘ay qué miedo que lo digan’, te lo digo porque no es cierto ”, commented the famous.

Without a doubt, Martha Galilea Montijo Torres, real number of the conductor who appeared during several years in front of the matinee issue of “Las Estrellas”, was very “organless” of the trayectoria in that he was permanent as part of the company .

“Aunque trabaje sin parar”

I had a lot of worries, I had more than 20 years working without a partner. Yo lo mucho o poco que tengo ha sido por mi trabajo y gracias a Televisa que me ha dado trabajo, ha sido de mucho esfuerzo.

Asimismo, signaled that he was happy with the fruit of his labor the one he shared with his mother, without embarrassment, had to admit that his salary was not a fortune like all screens, even if he did not reveal any figure that he would take.

What he has given me and my mother are my very sorry ones, but I have been to the cantidas that manejan, ‘ay me, ojalá, no estaría here, confessed the conductor of Hoy.

In the same way, it has been revealed that these positions receive messages from many people who seek solemnity.

It’s a big irresponsibility because there’s a man who’s creating it, you do not know the amount of messages that I have, because I’ve paid money to perform.

Clearly, although the taste buds help a lot, there are no versions that are as good as hot.

What I had to burn, I found a house of money. Gente que dicen, ‘la Gali es re buena onda, a lo mejor me presta’, me encantaría poder ayudar, pero a veces no se puede. But he has a lot of people who love him and are nice, comment

Do you have many debts?

Without embarrassment, even if the presenter presents it as impossible to perform all over the world, possibly because she misses many deaths, since she revealed in a dynamic of the “Hoy” program the 31st of December, the #harinachallenge, currently in which to approve to reveal what he has lived during the year.

In view of the allegations made in his statement, “Gali” referred to the superstitious versions against his mother-in-law that Deben had evidence that the man she knew was a “good man” in addition to recalling that the war in politics was alive and well. the spectacles “.

If, like me, I am not married, I also have my own method, only I can say that I am a male worker, that he is with his family. You can choose many things, but buy them.
