Accused of being Jenni Rivera de haberse metido con un hombre COMPROMETIDO

The family of Jenny Rivera has been seen in many moments incmodos in the ltimos aos and now appear summarse other ms in the middle of the familiar entorno.

Now, the female seal is Jacqie Rivera, who is married to the cantante falecida Jenny Rivera, and now has entered into the controversy by an accusation that exists in his contra.

The woman was involved in a video of TikTok, donde una mujer llamada Itzamar Narro es quien la ha accusado de haberse metido con su marido.

Narro seals that Jacqie Rivera is involved in an important way in a relationship that affects not the stability of the couple, he knows he belongs between Narro and his spouse.

How do you handle infidelity?

Segn la narracin que se realiz sobre el hecho, Narro afirm que la infidelidad se habra presenta hace unos tres aos, en donde encontr los mensagjes.

In the end, it’s all about it and it’s that ms llama the attention is that in an episode of the series “The Riveras”, Jacqie confesses that he was the infielder to Mike Campos, who was killed.
