Accused of attacking the Capitol the man who arranged for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

By Nicole Acevedo – NBC News

A Texas man who posted numerous comments and pictures on social media that showed him participating in the Capitol riots on January 6, and that he saw the assassination of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, arrested, according to the Department of Justice of the United States.

Garret Miller, 34, was detained by police and stabbed in the Dallas County Attorney’s Office before being transferred to federal custody by firefighters. Miller now hears charges in the United States District Court Tribunal related to the Capitol Court.

The cargoes, on the other hand, enter and continue to be subject to restrictions restricted without legal authorization, violate the right and conduct disorderly conduct in the Capitol, obstruct and impede an official procedure and carry out acts of civil disorder.

[De medallista olímpico a asaltante del Capitolio: la historia de Klete Keller]

Miller is one of the at least 119 people enfrentan federal cargos in relation to comedic crimes during the disturbances of the Capitol.

The FBI first received a notification of security forces on January 8 indicating that Miller posted a video on his Twitter account of the Capitol’s interior. The video of 14 seconds published the 6th of January with the title From the center of the congress showcases a panel of a multitude within the Rotunda of the Edification with people agitating pro-Trump and United States banners.

Through an additional investigation, the authorities found that Miller’s Facebook account contained “many publications related to his participation and delinquent activities in the Capitol”, following the criminal conviction.

Five days after he failed to address Congress, Miller posted photos of himself at the roundabout while using a pro-Trump blackout. The images appear to coincide with some of the vigilance videos of this part of the edification obtained by the police.

[Publicaron en redes sociales fotos y videos del asalto al Capitolio: así está identificando el FBI a los atacantes]

When he responds to the comments he made on his Facebook page, Miller reminds him of a variety of people who participated in Trump’s favorite stories. In one case, Miller agreed with “llevar armas” the next time, following the denunciation.

This photograph was facilitated by the Sheriff’s Officer of the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office, Garret Miller, who was arrested on suspicion of participating in the invasion of the Federal Capitol and publishing violations, including an incitement to assassinate Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cacio New York. Officer of the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office AP.

In a series of remarks in response to Representative Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat for New York, Miller states that the attackers acted “with honor and ours no [sic] armed. Fuimos [sic] amables with the police ”, he said in the criminal sentence. Read title: “Asesinen a AOC”.

[Una mujer que participó en el ataque al Capitolio pretendía enviar una computadora de Pelosi a Rusia]

In addition to publishing his own actions in the Capitol on social media, Miller also spoke about the need for a strike by the Capitol’s police unit during Trump’s attack. Miller affirmed, following the sentence: “We will contact you [al oficial de USCP] y abrazar su cuello con una linda cuerda ”.

A hearing on his detention is scheduled for Monday, following the Department of Justice.
