Accusation of involuntary homicide at police station in Daunte Wright, Minnesota | News Univision United States

Kimberly Potter’s spokeswoman, who passed away at home and killed young Daunte Wright during a traffic jam at the Brooklyn Center, a Minneapolis suburb, was arrested and formally charged with second-degree homicide.

Kimberly A. Potter, 48, is white and has 26 years of service at the institution, was detained and transferred to a prison in Hennepin’s county, one day after being charged with his cargo, even if he was a Broooklyn-centrum police, Tim Gannon.

Potter salió de la carcel a ultima hora del mercoles tras el pago total de la fianza y este jueves tendra su primera audience en corte, que se llevará a cabo de virtual manner. His lawyer, Earl Gray, has not yet commented on the case.

According to Minnesota statutes, homicide in the second degree can be applied in cases where someone has created an “irrational risk” and killed another person through negligence. The maximum penalty per condo is 10 years of imprisonment.

Peter Orput, Washington’s chief tax officer, who is conducting the indictment, signaled to the authorities that the order that led agents to detain Daunte Wright’s home was derived from a minor deed case.

The ex Potter has alleged that at the moment of the detention of the young afroestadounidense in a traffic control quizo immovilizarlo using a paralyzing pistol, but is confounded and disappears due to error with his regulatory arm.

Family advocate for maximum money

No accusation has been made against the exofficial calamity of the recent indictment at the Brooklyn Center for the Wright death. In the third night of protests, about 60 arrests were made for violations of any tax from the past, as well as for gifts to property and disturbances.

Ben Crump, a spokesman for the Wright family, suggested in a statement that Wright’s assistant had the proposal, and justified a more serious accusation.

“Although we appreciate that the district’s tax authorities are looking for justice for Daunte, no one can convince the Wright family to be wanted,” Crump said in a statement. “It was not an accident. It was a use of intentional, deliberate and illegal force”.

Wright, 20 years ago, the vehicle crashed on board the vehicle, driving, during a traffic control search that detained an arrest warrant.

The police broadcast a video in which a letter was spotted between the young men and the officials present, and then the agent greeted: “ You can apply the pistol aturdidora! Taser! Taser! Taser! ”And it disappears . Wright flew her vehicle to his car and drove various cars with shocks against another vehicle.

Wright mourns the loss of his brother, according to a communication from the Hennepin County Forensic. It was recently reported that the company was injured in the car accident that led to the incident.

