Any food can be part of your diet, as long as you eat it in moderation. Your favorite sweet dessert, fast food cheeseburger and even a glass of wine can all fit into a balanced diet. However, it is when this popular food is eaten in excess, where lasting damage can occur in your intestines. While these objects can be delicious, they do not do much to promote the health of the gut in the long run.
So what items should you be aware of? We spoke to a few registered dietitians about various popular foods that permanently damage your gut if you eat them too much. Here’s what they had to say, and if you’re looking for better food options, check out our list of 100 easiest recipes you can make.

“Refined sugars, such as cookies, candy, cakes, and sweetened beverages, can damage your gut,” says Theresa Gentile, MS, RDN, owner of Full Plate Nutrition and Media Spokesperson for the NY State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “These sugars, especially wheat syrup with a high fructose, reduce the number of good bacteria in the intestines and increase the number of bad bacteria. This negative result causes inflammation that can affect the permeability of the intestinal wall. It can lead to inflammatory disorders, such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. ‘
Not sure if your favorite food has HFCS? Here are 23 surprising foods that contain wheat syrup with high fructose.

“The most harmful foods for the intestines are sugar, wheat syrup with high fructose and all processed foods,” says Jamie Feit, MS, RD, and expert at “Anything your great-grandmother will not recognize as food is smart to prevent you from protecting your gut.”
“A diet rich in ultra-processed foods [is] high in refined grains, sugar and salt and low in fiber and antioxidants that are good for your gut, “says Lisa Young, PhD, RDN and author of Finally full, finally slim. “A diet high in processed foods and sugars can reduce gut-friendly bacteria.”
This is why you need antioxidants in your diet – and how you can eat more of them.

Your favorite deep-fried chicken sandwich may be a nice treat to enjoy once in a blue moon, but it’s exactly the best food to have regularly. Ricci-Lee Holtz, RD and expert at, mentions how fried foods are easily one of the popular foods that damage your gut, and how they can promote the growth of unwanted bacteria, as well as inflammation, gas and cramps.
“[Fried foods] contains a lot of cholesterol and fats and is not good for your gut and digestive system, “says Shannon Henry, RD at EZCare Clinic.
Here are the dangerous side effects of eating fried foods, according to science.

Not all protein bars are equal. In fact, there are many protein bars – or other types of replacement bars – on grocery shelves that are full of unwanted sugars and carbohydrates that damage your gut.
“Processed meals for meal replacement are detrimental to gut health and metabolism,” says Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, a registered dietitian at Balance One Supplements. “Whether it’s grain bars, cereal bars and even protein bars, these processed meal replacements can lower your health for one important reason; sugar or refined carbohydrates.”
“They are usually loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates, both of which are harmful to the health of the intestines,” says Best. “Added and excess sugar slows down the metabolism by overloading the liver, so it can be stored faster than fat. It simultaneously slows down the metabolism and causes weight gain. This added sugar feeds the bad bacteria in the gut which can lead to dysbiosis of the intestines. . “

Surprisingly, drinking moderate red wine can actually do a lot for your body. Believe it or not, wine is even considered an essential part of the Mediterranean diet, which according to US News & World Report is the most successful diet for weight loss.
Like too much food, eating too much of it can also cause problems with your health, especially your gut. Alcohol is definitely one of them.
“Too much alcohol can reduce the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut,” says Young.
Young also points out that the use of red wine can promote polyphenol content, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps your body fight off diseases. So a glass of red wine every now and then can help your body – but maybe you drink a whole bottle at a time.

Artificial sweeteners may have been dismissed as a food that causes weight gain or leads to chronic diseases, but it is still not the best solution for the intestinal bacteria in your body. According to Holtz, “artificial sweeteners can even cause a decrease in beneficial intestinal bacteria.”
One study published by the journal Advances in nutrition points out how sweeteners can have an effect on the intestinal microbiota, proving that artificial sweeteners can cause changes in the body’s metabolic pathways related to glucose tolerance. The intestinal microbiota is the bacteria in your gut that helps with digestion. A healthy intestinal microbiota means a healthier stomach and gastrointestinal tract during digestion.
Artificial sweeteners can also have immediate effects on your stomach, as well as these long-term effects.
“Using too much artificial sugar / sweeteners made from sorbitol can cause cramps and diarrhea,” says Henry.
It is safe to say that if you are looking for something sweet, you will turn to a natural sweetener (such as honey or maple syrup) and can consume it moderately, will be a much better choice for the health of the intestines. of your body. Or simply grab your favorite fresh fruit!
Here’s the best way to eat for your microbiome and improve gut health.