According to Schumer’s office, the Trump lawyer’s request to delay the indictment during the Sabbath will accommodate

“We respect their request and will, of course, comply with it. Talks with the parties concerned on the structure of the trial are continuing,” said Justin Goodman, a spokesman for Schumer.

The New York Times first reported on the development. The letter from lawyer David Schoen, obtained by the Times, calls for the trial, which would begin on Tuesday, to be adjourned if it is not completed by the start of the Sabbath at 5:24 p.m. come together.

There must be an agreement between senators to hold the hearing on a Sunday.

“I apologize for the inconvenience that my request that accusations not be made during the Jewish Sabbath will undoubtedly cause other people involved in the proceedings,” Schoen said in the letter obtained by the Times. “However, the practices and prohibition requirements are mandatory for me; therefore, with respect, I have no choice but to address this request.”

Schoen’s letter was sent to Minder McConnell, minority leader of Schumer and Senate, as well as to Democratic Senator Patrick J. Leahy, the president of the Senate who will preside over the trial.

The final outcome of the trial does not appear to be in doubt: Trump is likely to be acquitted by the Senate for the second time, and the two-thirds vote needed for conviction is good.

Senators in both parties have called for a speedy trial, with Democrats eager to advance President Joe Biden’s agenda, including a comprehensive Covid-19 relief package, and to confirm his nominated cabinet.
