According to Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, McConnell “gave in” during his Schumer interview about his filibuster claim

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Sen Cinema opposes eliminating the filibuster, ‘not open to changing her mind’

Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.) Is ‘against eliminating the filibuster, and she can not change her mind’, according to a senator’s spokesman. The spokesman’s comments to the Washington Post come as the possibility of voting to end the Senate’s practice of setting a 60-vote threshold for most legislation has moved to the forefront of the conversation, as the Democrats took over the House, Senate and White House. If the filibuster is terminated, any legislation can be passed by a simple majority. Cinema joins moderate Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, as well as President Biden, to oppose the abolition of the filibuster. While Biden said in July that he would take a look at the elimination of the rule, depending on ‘how sloppy they become’, over the Republicans of the Senate, he then also added that he ‘does not eliminate the filibuster did not support because it was used so often … vice versa [for Republicans’ benefit], but I think you should just look at it. “Biden” has not changed his mind “and is still opposed to eliminating the filibuster, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday. However, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has for years said that “nothing is off the table” once Democrats have the majority in the Senate, and has previously said that Democrats “will do what is necessary” to policy. ‘Job number one is for us to get the majority. We do not take anything for granted, but it looks better and better, ”he said during the summer. “Once we have the majority, we will discuss it in our caucus. Nothing is off the table. Before the election, a growing group of Democrats indicated that they were open to the idea of ​​ending the filibuster, including 18 of the original 26 Democratic presidential candidates: Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), Pete Buttigieg and Andrew Yang who they expressed. full support, and Senators Cory Booker (D., NJ), Kamala Harris (D., California), Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.), Bernie Sanders (D., Vt.) and former Representative Beto O ‘Rourke ( D., Texas) who said they would be open to the idea. With the opposition of Manchin and Cinema, however, it is unlikely that the Democrats will receive enough support to abolish the filibuster. Meanwhile, Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have warned that eliminating the filibuster would do long-term damage to the Senate. “This threat to permanently disfigure, to disfigure the Senate, was the latest growing drumbeat in the modern Democratic Party’s war against our government institutions,” McConnell told The Hill in September.
